
A question for Moms out there.?

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I was talking with a few Moms with young children today. Do you think Palin is a good choice for VP with all she has on her plate? My husband and I made a choice for me to stay home for the first two years of my child's life. We gave up vacations, going out to eat and tightened up our budgets to do so. I personally don't see how a mother with a 6 month old special needs child will be able to handle being VP. If something were to happen to McCain would she be able to handle it. I am not being sexist either, I'm being realistic. Being a Mother of a special needs child is all consuming. Inevitably someone will suffer when a mom is stretched too thin. What do you think?




  1. Oh come on  get real,

    I am so proud of this choice of this woman, I can't believe any woman in this country could find fault with her.

    a special needs child is not a handicap for their mother

    special needs children are not some burden

    Because you couldn't handle being a working mom don't put it on the rest (many) of us

    I have worked full time with two kids

    my oldest is in the 95 % on state tests smart and confident in herself,

    Children of working moms excel in life,

    My mother raised five of us on her OWN and we all turned out fine

    I'm sure she will have plenty of help, where's her husband?

    If she were a man you wouldn't ask this question

  2. I think that a womans family should never be seen as an obstacle. If she says she can do it then she can do it. Maybe her husband will stay home and take care of the kids. Many men in politics have 5 kids (I'm sure) and no one asks how they manage (doesn't Obama have kids?). This line of questioning is just a ploy to deflect peoples attention from the real issues. She is a great choice and she'll do a great job.

  3. she must have put her political career before her family

  4. I couldn't care less about her children....I am more worried about her politics. She wants creationism in our school books and she wants to ban ALL abortions...including when the life of the mother is at risk, incest, rape, ALL! That is NOT in line with the American people, much less women voters.

  5. Thats what Nannies are for, and the staff at the white house..

    someone has to do this job, why judge someone just because they have a family.?  should only single people run for office??

    this is a choice they make when they choose this career path.

  6. I think it was bad judgement on McCain's part. He only saw political gain and not a real person who could offer much as far as protecting this nation goes. Her child needs her more than America does, we're just fine with Obama/Biden. I also think any mother who has a special needs child would know that you have to be so dedicated to that, to a point where you have to be willing to put them first in all situautions. She just doesn't seem like a reasonable choice to me, she just seems so awkward to say the least.

  7. you are so right.  that baby will be raised by nannies when what he really needs is his mom.

  8. well I think Romney would have been a much better choice. But Palin is an awesome and smart choice. She does have a special needs child, but shes one of two parents and the father obviously there and in the kids and his wifes life can be the "mom" so to speak. It is a great oppurtunity.

    I am a mother of a 2 year old son whom was premature gone through 2 operations, and is a severe mommies boy!!!

    I found the time to do my things.

    She has so far handled whats on her plate.

    I think she will be fine

  9. Why isn't the same question asked of fathers?  I think she is a very good choice for vp--all women have a lot on their plate.  You are fortunate that you are able to stay home with your children--alot of us cannot--but somehow we are still able to raise very well adjusted children.  I do believe this is a sexist question, because there are two parents involved--not just one.  ***

  10. Those children also have a father...And they've managed so far with her being mayor and governor.

    At least they won't be paying nannies with taxpayers' money to raise their children, like the Clintons did...Turned out that was illegal btw, so the Clinton's gave the nannies titles such as 'white house consultant' and 'security guard'...You can verify this information on the 'net.

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