
A question for Newborn and Baby regulars?

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Yes, I know. The question has absolutely nothing to do with babies.

Do you frequent other sections of Yahoo! Answers? What sections, and why are you drawn to them?

I love this section. It is my comfort zone; I feel relatively safe here, and more often than not, I feel like I can give relevant, pertinent answers.

But, it would be nice to get some variety, ya know? Are there other sections where people are as nice and friendly as they are here?

Or, if you DON'T visit any other sections, could you please tell me why not?

I fear change. Can ya tell?




  1. newborn and baby is my home base LOL

    I also go to polls and surveys, and philosophy when this section gets especially slow. In polls and surverys there is one EXTREMELY annoying troll, but thats it LOL people are nice :) lol

    and ive gotten a bunch of best answers from there.

    expand your horizons woman!..hah no im jk lol

  2. I do at times visit other sections, generally the pregnancy one, since it was only 6 months ago that I was pregnant.  But like you this is a good comfort zone.  Seeing that others need answers helps me to realize that no one can be perfect and know everything about taking care of a newborn :).

  3. I visit baby names, pregnancy, adolescent, hair, but mostly newborn and baby

  4. i only visit this section.and sometimes family & relationships..i do not really know why i guess i just never wanted to check out the others.i also kind of feel i have so much experience with these 2 sections i can answer better..and they are the most interesting

  5. I spend almost all my time in the Newborn and Baby section....if you can't tell...LOL.

    I have a 20 month old toddler, so I go into the toddler section a little bit, but the questions there are usually geared more to 4 and 5 year olds, which I have *zero* experience in.

    The next section I occasionally visit is the Book section. I am a bookworm, and am always looking for my next book fix. However, it seems to be filled with questions about the "Twilight" series, so I've been staying away for awhile.....

    I've just got to know a lot of people in the Newborn and Baby section, and it's fun to kind of "see" babies grow up along side my own. I'll see a question about a baby "starting to eat solids" and I will remember a question months ago when he/she was a's just really cool. Plus, most are extremely nice here, and that's great.

    Okay, I'll shut up now.

  6. lol...I also visit weddings (now as crazy as some of us get on here, if you need a good laugh you should read some of those BRIDE-ZILLAS!).

    Sometimes I also just browse the main page...I agree though I am most comfortable in this section!!

  7. I go to polls&surveys too! It's funny & i used to go a lot but now i dont go that much. I am usually here. I also visit marriage&divorce since i am a married woman & sometimes i need marriage advice or i feel like giving =]

  8. i visit here because i want to share what i know with as many people as possible i have gotten greata nswers here so i want to help to you know i only visit here and pregnancy dont feel like wondering somewhere else really

  9. I've just recently started answering and asking questions in the toddler/preschooler section since my baby isn't really a baby anymore.  

    I also spend time in the teaching section of "Education and Reference", but I don't find a ton of questions there to answer.  Normally I answer questions in that section about motivation and management, and just general how to teach questions.

    When I feel like taking on a challenge I will answer questions in the parenting section about discipline problems.  I'm in the minority of YA about my discipline beliefs, though, so I get bashed a lot.

    The food section is also really fun.  There are usually good recipes and I've found some new and interesting information by taking a few minutes to research an answer.  A couple of months ago I answered a question about how many calories are in egg whites, and I learned that they are virtually calorie free.  People in the food section are really respectful, but I think that's mostly because there's not a lot of subjectivity to food.  :)

  10. I stay mostly here but sometimes I check out beauty and style. I like to look at the pictures people post and get opinions when I do something crazy to my hair.  

  11. I check out Pregnancy and Parenting and general questions. I like to check out the Adolescent section to. Sometimes, there are questions there about babies/pregnancy/etc. Polls are fun too. I also like the general section under parenting.

    I think we all fear change. What's going to happen? Is is worth it? You don't know unless you try.

  12. I'm usually in Newborn & Baby because every aspect of my life revolves around my 1 yr. old son =]

    I also enjoy Polls & Surveys every once in a while. It's a happy group of people over there; usually asking silly questions just for the heck of it .. when I'm feeling witty I head over there and add my 2 cents worth =]

    (it's under 'Entertainment & Music' if you ever wanna check it out)

    None of the questions over there really cause a debate; it's usually 'coke or pepsi' or 'lemon or lime' or 'what did you have for dinner.' silly questions like that... =]

    Here's the link:;_ylt=AofeX...

    check out some of the questions .. there really silly over there. I never really see arguments; I always answer the silly questions =]

  13. Yeah, I know what you mean, I started using Y! Answers when I got pregnant and frequented Pregnancy, of course.

    Now that my daughter is here I find comfort here as well. I also feel a little better with the answers I give here, since I have a little experience with newborn and babies.

    I've gone to other sections, I like Rock and Pop, but I've never frequented a section like I do this one.

  14. baby names,entertainment,hair,makep,music,pol... health,ttc.

    im drawn to them because i feel i give true answers from sum of those have interesting ?'s

  15. 95% of the time, im on the pregnancy section because i love answering pregnancy questions. if im not there, then im probably on polls&surveys.  

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