
A question for Obama supporters: Give me one specific reason that you are supporting him for the Presidency?

by Guest56552  |  earlier

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Please don't say because he wants to increase health care or increase jobs. These are slogans. What specific positions to you agree with or what specific things that Obama supports do you agree with?




  1. change change change and yes we can, oh and i got a crush on him.

  2. OBAMA HAS NO EXPERIENCE> You cannot elect a person just because they are young, unique, or have a cool name! This person will be the president of the most powerful country in the world and you want to elect a person with no experience? Wow. Some people need to stop and just think!

  3. the simple short answer:after 8 years of garbage,I dont want the republicans in power anymore.

  4. One good reason?  Ok - He is not John McCain.

  5. He agrees that the middle class has really taken a beat down in the last 8 years, my house is a perfect example. we went from making a good living with enough money to pay bills and put alittle aside and send our child to private school  to behind on our mortgage all of our utlilities and public school. This is because our doctors bills have doubled, i spend 60 a week in gas for a mid size car, our utlities are triple what they were, and food omg! 8 years ago i could feed our family for about 75 per week now i buy only what we need and come with 6 bags of groceries for 110.00. If Mccain is elected there goes the middle class, i have seen 4 houses on our street, of 15 houses, forclosed on and NOTHING is being done! our mortgage is almost paid off thank god so i hope we get before the bank, but if mccain wins things will look alot worse than they do now.

  6. Mainly because this country will continue to go into the crapper if McCain wins ... he is worse than Bush ... He is one of the only senators still pushing to keep troops in Iraq indefinitely because hes too proud to admit hes made a mistake .... thats what scares me about McCain ...

    Obama will bring change ... McCain will continue the same ... its a worn out saying and annoys me too ... but its true

  7. CHANGE in the fundamental way business is done in Washington.

  8. What the rep. party has done to our country last eight years.  

  9. He's the better candidate with the least amount of health issues..

  10. I support Obama because I feel that he accepts everyone within this nation, and as a whole; McCain has allegedly stated that he is against the g**s and against the choice of abortion, both of which do not make one any less of a person.

    I want a president that is accepting of all, open minded if you will, a president that is not going to be against the people of our united nation.

    If McCain wins this election it will make the United States no better than the other countries within this world suffering from separation of the people.

    Also, I feel that our economy needs to undergo major change, Obama offers that. I want to see a difference within the next presidential election because we obviously live in a nation that has lots of changing to do.

  11. he is going to do good t hings for poor, and middle class people!!! change is going to happen. because the way things are going in this country is not very good. we need Change!! Mc cain is not going to bring change he is only going to make things much worse!! even for U.  

  12. His economic policy.  His tax plan.  His stance on civil liberties and a return to a nation of justice.  His advocasy of real diplomacy -- hard diplomacy as a first option to foreign problems.  Investing in OUR country, not waisting it somewhere else.  Investing in sustainable energy, weening us off of fossil fuels.  I could go on and on.

  13. Because he represents CHANGE!!!

    WHAT he will change, HOW he will change it, what it will BE LIKE after the change and HOW MUCH THE CHANGE WILL COST US are questions he hasn't answered, but I like change.

    I got change in my pocket, I change my underwear regularly and they change the movies at the local theatre regularly, so change must be a good thing.

  14. Because if I want to vote for an anti-American muslim who wants to see the demise of this country, it is my right and privelege.

  15. Because the last 8 years speaks for itself, things are getting worse and worse, not better.  I dont understand why anybody could expect you to want to continue with the same? I think somebody made a mistake some where and we have been paying ever since.  I dont think McCain understands at all what it is like to be middle class, you dont make enough and you dont make too little to receive assistance. Your stuck in middle, how can he understand that when he has so much money and homes and whatever else, how can someone with that much really care about somebody elses hardships?

  16. 1000 bucks (paid by the taxation on the triple digit profit oil companies)

  17. because i want to pay more taxes so that illegal immigrants can have free healthcare? No

  18. Although I am not going to vote for him... I just had to say he WILL WIN... its written in the know the end times

  19. John McCain is the other best option....that would be reason enough.  The fact that I think Obama's platform is superior in every way, also helps.

  20. He's not Bush, McCain or a Republican thats enough for me!

  21. Because he is democrat and we need to get the Bushes and Bush re-runs out. It should be Hillary  

  22. He's not a Repug!!!!, plus, he promises an aborted baby in every pot, they're great with carrots and onions!

  23. This is a tough question for Obama people,Your not playing Fair

  24. Because they want to ignore the fact that

    - Obama wants to cut missile defense systems funding

    - Obama incorrectly refers to missile defense systems as unproven

    - Obama wants to slow development of future combat systems that keep our troops safe

    -Obama is actually FOR more government control over our lives with his huge proposed government programs.

    -Obama is more likely to infringe on constitutional rights like the second amendment, they may not care about that specifically, but explain why our freedoms are important and the meaning behind them.

    -On McCain's youtube account comments are posted immediately on Obama's all comments have to go through approval.  He has NO interest in running a transparent campaign, yet people expect him to be transparent in office.

    -The fact is that there is nothing out there that can fully replace petroleum yet (even if there was the infrastructure is not there yet), yet Obama will not support expanding domestic drilling and exploration of oil and natural gas, so wouldn't that make him a hypocrite, I mean he uses petroleum and petroleum products ... does not want to lessen our dependence on foreign oil?  Or wait, he eventually caved right?  You know he's going to cave eventually anyways.  The difference between Obama and John McCain is that Obama will waste our time as we wait for him to cave on all the energy solutions that we alll know  are necessary. Watch Obama EVENTUALLY cave on nuclear as McCain already has a solution that includes nuclear power plants.  Who is better prepared for the energy crisis?  McCain.

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