
A question for Republicans...?

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Ok, I have a few questions for Republicans.

#1 Why do you think the DEM's want to do away with the 2nd amendment? Besides being almost impossible, Obama has said numerous times that he does not want to stop gun ownership for civilians.

#2 Why is abortion a big deal? Besides atleast giving women there own choise which seems right, applying your logic, because a man has 14 million sperm, if you kill him, your actually killing and murdering 14 million potential babies.

#3 Why do some of you not support sending condoms to Africa? Is it more moral to let millions die than to adopt a not completly absistance policy?

#4 Why do you support tax cuts for rich and not middle class?

#5 Why does the religious right even think religion has a place in politics when under the 1st it clearly doesn't.

#6 Why oppose envioronmental measures to clean up and stop climate change.

#7 Whats wrong with stem-cell research if it saves lives.

#8 Obama is not the antichrist, a terrorist, so why insist?




  1. And the answer for Democrats ..........................

  2. And the question is.....what, Einstein?

  3. Only a democrat would ask a question like this!

  4. ROFLOL ... and the answer is?

  5. Since when are pro-lifers telling you to go around killing people?    The abortion argument is old and the only reason it's being brought up is because there is a woman on the ticket, which is just pathetic.   Besides the abortion argument is more complicated than can be reasonable discussed on here.

    Gun owners are angry because Dems, not just Obama, want to limit their gun ownership rights.   You have a majority Dem. government with a Dem. President and that could happen.  Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.  I personally don't care, but that's just me.

    The condoms in Africa is Africa's problem.   THEY need to supply condoms to their people, not the US.  We need to supply condoms to our own people.   We have bigger fish to fry here in terms of our own country.   That's pretty simple too.   Dems are quick to criticize when we get into the business of other countries and they are quick to criticize when we don't. Can't have it both ways.

    Taxes don't work that way slick.  Democrats raise them for EVERYBODY.  History proves that.   You can't pay for Democratic programs on taxes on the rich alone.   They are simply to expensive.   Plus the rich are 1% of the population and they are already paying 70% of the taxes.  You get to a point where it's simply not fair and you are only punishing people for being successful which isn't right either.  You can't single out one group and expect to punish them with taxes.   That's not right and it kind of goes against what America stands for.

    Religion is a huge part of the American experience.  Like it or not.   So it's going to have a place.  I don't agree with it necessarily but that's just the way it is.  

    They don't oppose environmental measures.  That is actually a complete lie.   Look into those issues a little more.  

    Stem cell issues go back to the sanctity of life.  As in it isn't justified to end one life to save another.   Personally I don't care about stem cell research but whatever. That's the view.

    I'm not even touching that last one other than to say there are plenty of unreasonable accusations floating around from both sides for all candidates.

  6. can I get the 10 pts for this one

  7. They'll probably get this answer right.

  8. 1  because the Democrats want a big brother state.

    2. because of the damage it does to woman . 20 % will suffer life time psychological effects from it. some women will never be able to get pregnant again.

    3 because condoms are not the answer. they are not 100% safe. first of this administration has sent more money and education on aids then any other administration.  some of the people believe that having s*x with a virgin will get rid of will help stop the spread.

    4 the middle class got a bigger percentage of a tax cut then the rich. and it worked

    5 you are wrong are founding fathers wanted a Christian nation . all you have to do a little research. here is a quote from the founding father John Adams.

    We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." --October 11, 1798

    and the first amendment  guarantees the freedom of you believe that they should not have a voice or vote?

  9. YES! We will win in November. thanks for asking

  10. blahblahlblahblahblhablahblhablhabblhabl...

  11. the answer is "yes we can"

  12. none of the above.

  13. Republicans are nothing but questions.

  14. I choose "D: None of the Above"

    Hey look guys, a Dem finally asked a question we can't answer.  Bet he's proud of himself. LOL

  15. 2 points, SCORE!

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