
A question for T-Mobile prepaid users?

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I'm planning on buying a prepaid phone for the t-mobile prepaid plan. I've wanted to get a Sidekick for as long as I can remember. I did a little research and found out that there is a prepaid plan just for Sidekick users. I do not want to get the Sidekick plan, but still want the phone.

My question is, can I get the Sidekick with the regular prepaid plan or do I have to sign up for the special Sidekick prepaid plan???




  1. You have to sign up for the Sidekick Prepaid Plan. Otherwise, the regular prepaid plans will claw through your minutes, requiring you to refill more frequently, thus losing you more money.

    Plus, the regular prepaid plans don't offer unlimited texting, internet, or IMing, which are trump cards for a Sidekick. Without those options, you got a Sidekick with no kick. It'll be like having a car with no engine.

  2. You can use any prepaid plan you want, the Sidekick one is really only suitable for those who mainly use messaging and browse the web and use Sidekick email, but don't make a lot of calls (as they're 15 cents a minute on Sidekick Prepaid.) If you mainly want to make voice calls and just send a few texts, you can certainly use Pay As You Go or Pay By The Day. You won't have access to Sidekick internet or email at all unless you have Sidekick Prepaid, though.

    Sidekicks aren't sold in prepaid kits right now but all T-Mobile phones can be used with prepaid, you just buy the phone and then buy a prepaid activation SIM separately; the activation SIM is $6.99 when you buy it online. (Sidekicks without plans are not available online though, you have to go to a store or buy from someplace else like eBay.)

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