
A question for Uk Military or Knowledge?

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I have heard that there is an underground bunker in Wales and that if there was a Nuclear attack on the Uk, the Royals and Vips in Government etc, would go there.

Is this true or is it just a myth?

Also what would the plans and warnings if any for civilians in the event of an innement Nuclear attack on the Uk?.

Thank you for your replies.




  1. yes its true they date back to WW2

    and im sure some have been left to rote while others are updated

    also for civilians im sure underground subways

    at least thats what they used in ww2

  2. there are multiple bunkers around the country if you think about it why would they save only old wrinkly intellectuals surely they would want a wide spectrum of ages to keep the infer structure going and the population to survive , life's a lottery don't you know

  3. The truth is that where Royals and VIPs will go in time of a nuke attack is unknown.  My guess is that should a nuke attack be imminent, then the most likely place for the Royals would be Canada and not here in UK.

    The will have to soldier on here in UK possibly working from deep bunkers, but where?

    Fact is that most of the Cold War nuke bunkers have been sold to the public here in UK.

    UKs former Nuke bunkers

    . . . .click on the right for more same. . .

    Russian nuke threat. . . .Google link

  4. There were bunkers all over the UK, some for command and control and some to protect the "chosen few" where all the fools who had caused the war in the first place could hide while the rest of us burned.

    There's one not far from where I live that's been decommissioned and opened to the public as a museum.

    As for warnings, back in the days of the Cold War, we were supposed to get four minutes warning of an incoming nuclear attack from ballistic missiles (which would have been handy if you wanted a soft boiled egg, but not much use for much else !), but in these days of stealth weapons and cruise missiles I doubt we would even get that now.

    Of course, there was no shelter provision for the civilian population anyway.

    Government advice at the time included such gems as painting your windows white to deflect radiation, and taking down a door and hiding under it (all in four minutes, of course).

  5. Firstly, it's wrong to think that only a few people know the location of secret nuclear bunkers.  Have a look at the first link below if you want a laugh.

    There are a lot of nuclear bunkers around the UK, and though many of them have been abandoned since the end of the Cold War, they are still there.  Most are just anonymous looking gates.

    Wales and the Welsh border would be an ideal place for a fallout shelter (they would be unlikely to survive a direct hit) as there are not so many strategic targets there.  I vaguely remember seeing a leaflet for one you can visit somewhere around Telford in Shropshire.

    For the rest of us, vapourisation or radiation sickness awaits I'm afraid.  If - against the odds - you make it through the radioactive fallout, then you'd probably starve to death, as pretty much everything left to eat not in a bunker would be contaminated, and the 'nuclear winter' would mean crops failing even if the ground wasn't contaminated.  Happy days.

    If you're under about 30, then you probably don't remember the Cold War too well.  When I was at school in the 80s, we used to chat in the playground about what we'd do if the '4 minute warning' went off.  That was how much time we'd have had to prepare for the arrival of Russian missiles.

    We all reckoned that because in my town we had two military targets, both on hills, the best place to run was down into the valley, which we could just about make if we ran flat out.  It wasn't until I joined the army I learned what an 'airbust' was, and we'd have just been exhausted and vapourised, rather than just vapourised.

    There was a documentary made in the 1960s called The War Game which shows rather well what life in the UK would be like 'after the bomb'.  Link to it is below.

    There is a updated plan for radiological attacks (a so-called dirty bomb), but the threat of a strategic nuclear strike seems to be - rather alarmingly - not thought likely any more even with a resurgent Russia.  Anyway, see the last link if you are wondering what Gordon has in plan for us in the event of a CBRN 'event'.

  6. listen to two tribes by frankie goes to hollywood that gives a fair indication of what to listen for however there's a fair chance you will hear it for real very soon lol

  7. There are dozens of bunkers for the ruling classes.  I think they would be rather sunk, to live with no-one to make sure that water comes out of taps, the power stays on, the bins are emptied...

  8. Yes there indeed is a bunker build in ww2 time witch has now been has modified to withstand even a Direct Tactical nuclear warhead hit.

    As far as civilians is concerned i am not sure you should contact your Country,s Home Ministry regarding that and youll get the necessary information.

  9. can you imagine the Queen sitting in a dingy gloomy little bunker sipping tea and eating hobnob biscuits!

  10. Think about it !

    A nuclear attack does not come with 2 hours warning so you can gather everyone up and ship them to Wales.

    In the event of an attack, the UK would be run from Northwood NATO base ( referred to as HMS Warrior) in North West London. There is a private underground route from Central London and a bunker as deep as coal !

  11. Kelvedon Hatch was the Government nuclear bunker in the 70's.

    Not used now, so there's probably somewhere else for them.

    The entrance was an old bungalow with the bunker underneath.

    I saw it on TV when somebody bought it and was going to give tours....


    Scroll down to the 2 Protect & Survive films.

    These are old public information films from the cold war that would have been shown in the event of an iminent nuclear attack, don't know what the plans would be now.

  13. Most probably.

    I live in wiltshire and there is a massive network of bunkers, all constructed around the cold war. The most famous is The Corsham Computer Centre, which was its code name - there was a sign for it! it led down a road to a gate, through which you could not pass. When i was about 17 we tried to sneak around the side of  the fence through a wood and almost immediately we were met by military police officers - god knows how they saw us. In addition, the centre is reputed to have a private rail line leading into it from the box tunnel. Train drivers have reported a "hidden track" leading off to the left, although apparently it is only just visible.

    the sites became public knowledge so were stood down. however, their are rumours amongst some of the locals of convoys of Lorry's under military escort leaving the site at night. i.e. moving whatever was there to a new location, maybe this place in wales.

    heres some links about the whole site:,_W...

  14. Oh no, it's real. There are Nuclear Bunkers all over the UK, one of them isn't too far from where I live. And yes, only the Royals, VIPs and Politicians could access them (along with hand picked members of the military) the rest of us mere "Commoners" (The ones who paid for them with our tax payers money) would have to burn and die a slow agonising death when the missiles dropped on the country!

  15. there are bunkers all over the UK for local and national government, the royal family and various other VIP's, none for the common people, and there are also no contingency plans for the civil populace beyond large stockpiles of heroin to ease the pain and speed the demise of those dying following a nuclear strike. I dont think there are any stockpiles of food bar those in said bunkers and military facilities. The governments plans for the people following a nuclear war are basically for as many to die as possible, those that are left would be the fittest and best able to work the land in the resultant subsistence economy, and the more that initially died the better as any remaining uncontaminated farmland and agricultural resources would not be able to support massive numbers of people  

  16. hmm

  17. If there was a underground bunker no one would no about it accept top officials. it would be covered up so good only the royal army navy and guards would know about this.

    plans and warnings for civilians in the event of a nuclear attack. would be evacuation of area. and designation to a safe zone.  

  18. why you planing a nuclear attack?

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