
A question for Vegetarians?

by Guest57206  |  earlier

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I am just curious, why did you become vegetarian? were you raised that way? or is it something you did by yourself?

After looking on youtube about animal slaughter houses about a week ago I think I am becoming vegetarian. Everytime I see any sort of meat I think about those poor animals that were treated badly for food. I haven't eaten meat in a week and actually I don't miss it. I really didn't like it in the first place. Anyway, I just wanted peoples stories. Have a wonderful day!




  1. I went to this before school peace group thing and the topic was animal cruelty and i havnt seen meat the same way since. I get sick to my stomach at the thought of even eating meat.

  2. i become a vegetarian of my own accord its not that i am against killing animals i just don't find meat appetizing. looking at a steak on a plate doesn't look nice to me at all!

  3. I became a vegetarian at the age of 2 because I didn't want to eat animals. It was something I did on my own.

    You should really do your research on how to have a balanced meal as a vegetarian so you don't get sick. Eat lots of beans, legumes, nuts with your fruits, veggies, and breads.

  4. when i was a vegetarian [i quit after a few months. it's not that it was hard, it was actually pretty easy for me. things just weren't the same.] i decided it for myself. my parents were supportive and bought me a ton of Morning Star food [i suggest the chik nuggets or anything in the chicken resemblance line. haha]. i remember how it happened. i was on Mathew Lush's myspace page after being told about him by a friend of mine and there was a link to a vegetarian myspace group page. [there's a ton of em, so if you ever need support, just find a group]. i'm not exactly sure what compelled me to do what i did next, but after reading through the entire page, i walked upstairs and said to my mom "I want to become a vegetarian." my friend also became a vegetarian with me, so that was helpful.

    just remember; people who eat meat are not idiots or monsters, so don't be pompous. that's just what they're familiar with.


  5. I was initially raised as a vegetarian because of my religion. We believe that all animals have a right to live, and thinking about eating dead animals is just gross. When I was in high school though I learned from my friend what really happens to animals as they become the next meal for somebody else. Its disgusting and rude, and learning about animals has reinforced my belief in being a vegetarian.

  6. For some odd reason I really dislike the taste of meat.

  7. Wells its stupid as to being only veg(sorry i dont mean to offend anyone).

    But being a veg means ur still killing plants. Plants are also living things. They also have pain. But they got few senses less than animals. Which makes us think that by being veg we arnt killing any1.

    Suppose if evryone was a veg. then the world wud have another problem, which wud be over population of animals.

    Anways, everyones got their paths. So I hope i dint offend any1.

  8. I think It  started when I was little and I realised that meat was dead animals and I will never go back to eating meat, it's disgusting

  9. I love animals , i saw how cruelly they are treated in slaughter houses and why should i eat something that has been tortured or killed just for my satisfaction..its wrong, brutal , cruel.

  10. I grew up in a meat and potatoes household that always ate together, so I didn't go veg until I graduated high school. I thought it would be ridiculously hard. But I did it as a combination of health, economic, animal cruelty, and political motivators prompted me. ...And it was sooo much easier than I thought. Now it's all mostly a taste thing. I haven't had a chance to look at videos and that sort of thing in my crazy life, but I know what goes on and it makes me feel gross just thinking about it. I will say that I also try to get farm fresh vegetables, because nasty stuff goes into the growing of supermarket veggies, too.

  11. i chose by myself at the age of around 5. no one else in my family is. a love of animals and strong animal rights, also lots of films such as babe and chicken run influenced me lol!

    PLEASE help me anyone can, itsa  bit of reading but easy please thanks   x x x

  12. i read this book that i randomly picked up at the book store one day and it explained the horrible thins the animals have to go through. it's called Skinny *****. i just felt discusted/guilty.

  13. My mom got a visual about her being one with the animals and after that she was just a vegetarian. It wasn't hard at all. She just all of a sudden, decided to be a vegetarian. So then when I was born, I was a vegetarian. Although, I don't really know what I'm missing out on. When I was little, apparently, my dad fed me cheeseburgers and stuff. But I didn't know about that. I love animals and I can't watch those videos about slaughter. Animals are the same as you and me, imagine ripping every single hair off your head and having it made into a coat for a cow to keep warm in the winter. And then, with your bald little self, imagine dying so that same cow can have something other than grass? Why does that cow need a coat, he was warm enough already? Why does that cow need meat when grass was fine with him? We don't need meat, or animals' fur. Animals were put on this earth and we shouldn't take them away from it because we get hungry for them. I'm glad you are strongly considering to be a vegetarian. If you can keep it up that's really good! Good luck!

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