
A question for a women who cheats on her significant other.?

by Guest58998  |  earlier

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If you accidently got pregnant while cheating would you?

A) Get an abortion

B) Lie about who the father is

C) Tell the truth about who the father is

D) Other

If possible please explain your answer




  1. If it was me, I would just come clean about it, because killing an innocent baby isn't worth it. But it would probably get me dumped by who I was cheating on, and if the father didn't stick around I would be SOL!!! But if me and the person I was cheating on had done anything that recent, I would probably lie and say it was that person's baby.

  2. Have an abortion without telling either guy...their knowing would just cause too much drama

  3. Well if that ever happened (which it wouldn't because cheating is just wrong), under certain circumstances I would choose C.

    Otherwise I would choose D) Other--which would be to leave whereever I am in shame. Stay at friends and family until things cool down, break if off with my significant other because he deserves better than a pregnant cheater, get enough money to leave the country/city, find a decent place and then live out a lonely life as a single mum.


    Probably better if you just don't cheat huh =D

  4. I don't cheat, but I imagine I would find out who the father is regardless. I love my boyfriend so much that I wouldn't cheat on him and if I did I'd certainly feel too guilty and have to tell him about it before I were to even find out I was pregnant.

  5. OK, here goes! I would choose D. I would never cheat on my husband in the first place! In the second place, if I ever got pregnant, abortion would be out since I consider it murder! In the third place, to lie about the identity of your child's father is despicable! So, I chose D! I would do none of the other three things things since I am accountable to a Higher Authority.... to whom I will have to give an account one day!


  6. Notice that none are capable of choosing 'C'..... Because it has the word TRUTH !.... Haha..... It's like a foregone conclusion..

  7. B

    Well take the stats instead of the truth from the truth tellers.

    And really it is, dont lie, dont tell.  who would know any different

  8. I'm a dude, but I think you're overlooking some important things in your question.

    First off, chances are, the girl won't even be certain of who the father is. Even if she's cheating, it doesn't mean she isn't having s*x with the boyfriend/spouse as well. If she's had s*x with each within a couple weeks time, theres no way to really tell until the child is born, and you get a paternity test. However, when a woman is cheating, and she becomes pregnant, shes much, much more likely to conceive with the guy she's cheating with. But it's far from a certainty.

    It also depends upon the "cheating circumstances." Does the guy shes cheating with know that she's married/has a boyfriend? I think that changes a lot of things. She could have a lot more or less options depending upon what is known and by whom it's known, especially if she's unsure about the father.

    I feel that typically, A or B gets done in these situations. It's terrible, but true. As hard as it is to fathom this (for me at least), supposedly cheating doesn't necessarily mean she's unhappy or doesn't love the guy. It's more that she doesn't respect him or their relationship. In most cases, the person cheating doesn't want to leave.

    If I ever get a girl pregnant before getting married (knock on wood), I think I'm definitely getting a paternity test done, regardless of whether or not I think she cheated. It's just a safe thing to do - why pay child support for a kid that isn't yours to a girl who doesn't respect you?

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