
A question for all single or teenage moms out there?

by Guest31984  |  earlier

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how do you feel about your decision to have your child and parent?

is it rewarding?

would you have had it go any different way?




  1. I was a single mom for ten years, got pg with my baby at 19.

    I won't lie. It was hard. The hardest thing I have ever done, probably, being a young single mama, but it would have been even harder if I'd stayed with the father. I can't answer if I would do it again, given a choice, but I do look at my teenaged son now and can't imagine him not being here. Those ten years though? It's called working your a** off, no breaks, no help most of the time. Everything is on you, all the responsibility, all the blame if you s***w up in any way, and you're under much, MUCH more scrutiny even than totally effed up two-parent households might be, because of your status and age, and the stigma attatched. With that scrutiny and hard work comes an awful lot of pressure, and you don't really have anyone to turn to. Helps if you have supportive family around, but that was not available to me. It gets easy to take your stress out on the kid if you aren't careful, or don't learn to ask for help when you need it.

    There are rewards, though. A close bond with your child, because you've only got each other, for one. Strength you didn't know you had, for two.

    Hope that all helps.

  2. i recently became a single mom, but its ok cause my daughters dad give me child support and takes her 2 times a week, hes still in her life and thats all i really want.

  3. I came from a 16 year old mother.  I ruined her life by being born.  She was going to be a lawyer, a teacher or sing in the Opera.  I destroyed her dreams when I was born.  My grandmother raised me for the first 6 years of my life.  

  4. I love the fact that I have a child at 19. He's 2 (almost 3) and honestly the BEST thing to ever happen to me.

    I got pregnant at 16 with my boyfriend (4 years this September) and I think we handled it very well. I stayed in school and even graduated with a scholarship and honors, despite missing 2 months of school. Now i'm in college pursing a nursing degree.

    Having my son made me decide that I NEEDED more in my life. Before him I just didn't really know what I wanted from life. Sometimes life works in funny ways... I don't think i'd want to be a nurse right now if I hadn't had the experience in the hospital with the nurses first hand.

    I don't regret anything either. I might have been young but I stepped up to the plate and love being a mommy.

  5. I had twins when I was 19, and became an official single mom when I was 24.  I have no regrets, my kids are my reason for living.  I can't imagine my life without them, they have made me a better person.  Yes times are sometimes tough, but I think it makes me appreciate things more, it's made me more resourceful, it's made me a fighter, a survivor.

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