
A question for all the homeschool kids out there?

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I'm a homeschooler and have been one for majority of my education. And as high school is coming to an end for me and I will be starting college at a regular school soon. I just wanted to hear from other homeschool kids about what they thought of the whole homeschool experience? And if you had a chance to do it all over again would you choose to be homeschooled again or go to regular school? And if you ever had children would you consider homeschooling them? Do you feel that being homeschooled has prepared you for whatever path you have decided to take in life? Looking forward to hearing from you all!




  1. I have been home schooled since I started, when I was 7. I have never been to a regular school, so in some way I think that it has effected how I will be when I go there my senior year, and how I will react to college, but I have seen so much in my life the regular kids in school haven't because I don't have to stay in a classroom and stay in the state all fall, winter, and part of spring and summer, I have been able to go on trips all over the U.S. while everyone else is learning about what I am seeing. I have a harder curriculum then most kids, so I probably am above the average in school. I am not worrying about everything that school kids are worrying about, like how they look for school, what he/she is saying about them behind their backs, I have freedom to dress as I want, not be a dress code, and I can teach myself at my own pace. I would like to go to school for a little while, so I will be in 2 years, my senior year, and I wish that I had when I was little so that I would have the same tendencies to study as others do, and I would understand how school works, how to do homework and take notes, but I do like being home schooled, it gives people something to ask about me, something to talk about with other home schoolers, and something that has shaped my thinking, growing, and maturing, if I hadn't gone through it I wouldn't be me. As for sending my children to school vs, teaching them my self, I will probably send them for some classes, like music,  sports, p.t., arts, and stuff where the schools aren't teaching them junk about evolution and the world being billions of years old, or them ruining them. I will teach them most of the core subjects: math, english, science and history

  2. I was homeschooled for the remainder of my school years. I attended 4 years at a public school. Comparing the two, homeschool was much better, academically. I feel I was better prepared for everything else through this experience, and would have chosen this again, if I had to.

    I also homeschool my children. So, yes, I would homeschool.

  3. I'm homeschooled (unschooled), would do it all again and would seriously consider homeschooling my own kids in the future.

    As to the future, I intend to stay up here and work in the cattle industry so homeschooling (on our family's fully working cattle and sheep station) has no doubt prepared me better for the future than any school could ever do!

  4. I have done a little bit of both worlds when it comes to school. I would say that home school does prepare you pretty well for what's out there. Would I do it all over again? Yeah I guess I would. No I would not home school my kids, I would try to put them in a private or military school.

  5. I have been homeschooled all my life,and I think it has DEFINATELY had an impact on my thoughts and actions.If I were to go through life again I would without a doubt go for homeschooling.Most kids my age that arent homeschooled have no real career goals,mom told me when I began highschool work that alot of my highschool school would be geared towards whatever career I decided to pursue as a sophmore.This has made me more dedicated to my schoolwork,along with giving me a goal to work towards.It is definately interesting too see how highschool work is directlyrelated towhat you become in life.

  6. I was home schooled/unschooled from 1st to 12th grade. I personally felt totally unprepared for college. (I am currently attending a community college) I never took the act or sat so I had to take a compass test. Turns out I have to take 2 remedial math classes and a remedial English.  So in answer to your questions. Yes, I wish I had attended a public school (unfortunately, I didn't have a choice) and no, I will never home school my kids. Don't get the wrong idea though I have nothing against people who do home school. It just wasn't for me. Any one who home schools  their kids have to be totally dedicated to them. My parent weren't. So here I am two semesters behind, praying I can transfer to a good 4 year college.

  7. A very good question and worded very well so that it shows no bias. I stared it and placed it on my watched list, as I also look forward to seeing the replies.


  8. hey... i am a homeshooler...and if i had it my way i would go to school...but i can' mom won't let me!!! I dont really like being kinda stinks...

  9. personaly i would get homeschooled in a heart beat.

    1 you dont have to deal with all the drama in hs

    2 you have more of a 1 on 1 learning experance that you dont get in public school

    and its not a controlled envirement like most schools are. Im shure most homeschooled kids really would love to go to school and get the experance but i know alot of kids that go to school that would rather be homeschooled

    but i think that school prepares you for the real world because you have to deal with people that you might not like and its the same thing in a job and every day life when you grow up. well i hope i answered some of your questions

  10. My kids are probably too young to provide a reasonable answer for it, but let me tell you about a 16yog I know really well.

    She has homeschooled for the past 4 years and is about to start gr. 11. She had actually been asking her parents to homeschool for 3 years before starting. She loves homeschooling, especially the flexibility it gives her and the *time* it gives her. She has the choice to go to a public school, but doesn't want to. She's too happy in homeschooling. If she could do it all over again, she would, but would hope her parents would homeschool her earlier or would have never sent her to school. I don't know if she'd homeschool her kids. She has plans of being a doctor--but maybe her future dh could do it. ;)

  11. do homeschooled people even HAVE computers?? sorry if its offensive in anyways.

  12. Everything I was homeschooled in prepaired me for both school and work.  I was touch typing by age 7 and they didn't teach that in school until age 13.

    All schools did was teach me a tad of Spanish, the basics of reading, writing, grammar and math.  Plus some shop skills with access to professonal equipment I wouldn't have gotten at home.  Commercial 5 foot tall drill presses, for example.  That's usually not a home garage item.  Also in my last year in High School I worked the Caffeteria and did the dish room with a huge commercial dishwasher and that helped me get out of lousey work when I got drafted into the Army during BASIC (back we did KP).  I was the only one who knew how to work that monster machine, except for the staffers, of course, but it let them do other things while I ran the cups, glasses and dishes through the machine.

    So that's only about a 25% plus side from school.

    Since I couldn't pass Algebra I was denied other advanced courses in school and basically majored in STudy Hall.

    I since learned real world algebra, geometery and trig through computer programming.

    For me, unschooling plus homeschooling was the most productive part of my education.

  13. never homskooled.

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