
A question for all the men?

by  |  earlier

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i was watchin a tv programme the other day about what a perfect v****a should look like. what do you think one should look like or don't you care? if you were about to have s*x and you didnt like the look of her v****a would you tell her? does it bother you if the labia minora stick out a bit or do you find it a turn on?




  1. I like vaginas without teeth....last time I lost some skin

  2. as long as the v****a doesnt look like it has wings or anything like that. but other than that different women equal different types of vaginas.

  3. HEY...girls can like girls too >: (

    I prefer for things not to be out of proportion :/

    It would bother me if it stuck out a bit (YAY, OCD)...but if she's a cool person I honestly wouldn't care for too long.

  4. Hi I am English aged 20 my labia protrude a little, but i have a large clitoris never had a guy complain and they have all tried to come back for more so I guess they where all happy. Do you get so meany offers that you can afford too be choosy lucky you  

  5. I'm a bisexual, and if I'm honest. I don't mind if they have big labias, but it would be nice if I could find the hole without the labia blocking it and causing her and me alot of discomfort.

  6. I really don't think it matters...and I'm sure there are plenty of blokes out there with different size packages....and even crooked ones.....If you lover her, then stop picking up faults and love her the way she is.

  7. Yes, many's the time, when we've got to that stage and I've had a look at it and said: "Sorry darling, I don't like the look of that; I'm off to play snooker with me mates".

    >>> it doesn't matter at all !!!!!

  8. This is no joke I'm being completely serious here. I had a girl that sucking on it felt like a couple pieces of spaghetti in my mouth... I told her that I wouldn't have oral with her any more because of it. I think it matters a lot. Personally I like it to be of the smaller variety down there, but that is just me.

  9. I would not have really cared what it looked like as long as it did not smell bad, thats the only time I would have taken an alternate course should I have been heading in that direction, I would have then just pretended I was going to kiss the stomach and work my way back up ! lol

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