
A question for any woman whose ever had a Miscarriage and D&C. Need Help!

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I had a miscarriage a month ago, and a D&C a month ago, tomorrow. How soon after would be normal to start your period? Last night I had some pink stuff on my tissue, and today there's nothing, but I am having pretty uncomfortable cramping on my left side, and feel "wet".




  1. From what I can gather anything is normal after a miscarriage and D&C. I had a D&C last miscarriage that I had (I've had two altogether) an I had pink spotting for ages. Then, I had a normalish period about 4ish weeks after. Your body is probably trying to get itself back on track and your period will probably start soon.

    I'm so sorry for your loss, miscarriages really suck.

  2. Sorry to hear about you're miscarrige. I had one a year ago and it was awful.

    it toke me a couple of months to get my periods back on track but all people are different. My cousin miscarried the same time as me last year in June and she still isnt right to this day.

    but hopefully you will be fine very soon and good luck :) xx

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