
A question for anyone that is married and mainly targeting guys?

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Why did you get married? Why did you sign a contract that entitled someone else to a % of what you will make in your life? Couldn't you have just not gotten married and stayed together if you really loved each other?

I think marriage is just plain out stupid but i am wondering why people do it left and right. The reason why i think marriage is just wrong is because it's just human nature to get bored of having chicken for dinner everyday no matter how you spice it up, it's still chicken, thus it's destined to fail and even if it doesn't you are going to l ive the rest of your life unhappy and for what?




  1. My fiance felt the same way. Until he met me.

    As for the not being married but just living with each other: There is just something more beautiful and personal about giving your hearts and lives to one another.

    If you want to switch up your partner everytime you get tired of them, fine.

    Some of us are just mature enough not to marry someone we will get sick of.

    But in the end, you just take things as they come, so what does it matter if you get sick of them in the future? There is NO way to predict that, so why hold yourself back now?

    One day, you will meet a girl who you love and she wants to marry you and you want to spend the rest of your life with her. And then what?

    You will change your mind, or lose her forever.  

  2. Thefuture... pretty much said it all.  Had that been a performance, I would have given a standing ovation.

  3. We will answer your initial questions later in this broadcast.

    Man to man.

    Let me get this straight....the reason you think marriage is wrong is based a lame metaphor for a poultry dinner?  Allow me to follow your food based thinking for a moment.  Imagine that instead of 'having chicken', you are dining a 5 star restaurant for the rest of your life with anything and everything on the menu imaginable, only catch have the same server at every dining experience.  You see, it is, I, her, we that decide how much spice is injected into your aforementioned meal..and after all, we all know, that's it's not the food that we always enjoy, but the impeccablelbe service from the waiter/waitress.

    There is no destiny of failure, unless one or both parties enters into the agreement, courtship, MARRAIGE, with a preconceived notion of failure.  For those who feel this, can I get a witness??

    As for your final question of living the rest of your life unhappy...  Based on what you have typed, it seems that it is YOU and not anyone who engages your company that ultimatly defines your happiness.  Or better yet, you see , my fiancee and I are both determined to live the rest of our lives happy.  It's about decisions my friend.  And it seems to most who read this, that it is indeed you who is choosing to be unhappy.

    Now back to your original questions:

    Why did you get married?  

    I am 10 months out from my wedding date.  AND I am getting to married to the woman I love because: I could not picture one day with out her, and I CHOOSE to take the next step as an adult male in a civilized civilization, since the dawn of man....and take her as my lawfuly wedded wife.  I am marrying my soul mate because at some point you ask yourself :'what more can I do for this relationship?' And for many the answer is beautifully simple.

    Why did you sign a contract that entitled someone else to a % of what you will make in your life?

    You are asking a question with the preconeived notion that a divorce will ensue.  And I suppose 50% of the time in America you are accurate.  Those numbers are inflated for news purposes, and may lead to your pessimistic view towards lifelong passion and fidelity.

    Couldn't you have just not gotten married and stayed together if you really loved each other?

    No.  Never. Not even almost.  And know it's about far more than "loving each other"...that thought is inherent.  Not being married is not bad.  That said, being married is the greatest thing that two consenual adults with a passion for God and the greater good of their children can do.  Within a society that emphasizes the same negative conotations to the santity of marriage, it is an extreme blessing to see the love and admiration a couple can besow upon those they meet, especially when there is/are/were children involved.

    My last point that I will conclude with involves sharing. of the first basic human gestures we are ingrained with as infants and toddlers.  Fast forward twenty something years, and you find that life is meant to be shared.  The stupidest, most innane moments shared between my fiancee and I are what keeps the relationship fresh alive. The hugest and most dramatic moments allow you to realize that after sharing for so long, you need that person.  And that need is a prevelent factor in a lasting relationship.  And most importanty : sharing that NEED for one another is what makes the bond last.

    I pray tonight that you realize that long lasting relationships, friendships, and eventually a marraige with or without children is what life is all about.

  4. There are lots of married guys who are content in their relationships and a few that are even happier today then when they got married!  Life is about choices.  You choose everyday in everyway how to feel, act, think, relate, interact, and all that.  Guys get married because that's what their girlfriends want.  

  5. Adopt suitable steps

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