
A question for anyone that keeps or has kept chickens?

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If you have a small henhouse for 2 chickens with everything they need ( perch, ramp, laying area etc.) and you were to let them out into the garden during the day, where would they leave their mess: in the garden, in the henhouse or both?

Thanks in advance




  1. both, it comes when its ready, several times a day and night

  2. Both. They are indiscriminate.

  3. They will poo wherever they happen to be when they feel the need to poo! There's no litter training chickens!! You could clean up after them 2 chickens wouldn't make that much mess!

  4. Hi, they'll go where and when they want and don't specifically go in one area. I find mine tend to not make a mess in their shed since I've stopped shutting the door at night. They go in just to sleep now and go straight out when they get up. The less time they're shut up in the house the less messier it will get. If its just two chickens neither place should be much of a problem.

  5. Chickens leave their droppings wherever they happen to be at the time.   In the garden, in the henhouse, on the way to either, etc.  Probably not in the nests to much extent, though.

  6. Yes they will poo were they like. I once had chickens and when I let them in the garden, they started pecking at my plants and flowers. So if you are a keen gardener make them a fenced in outside run. It is great fun keeping chickens and getting fresh eggs every day.

  7. Chickens go wherever they are!  They don't try and contain their mess at all, so it'll be everywhere!

  8. Hens like the majority of birds defecate the most just before they go to sleep, yes they will poo everywhere but most would be under the perch, why not incorporate a droppings board which is just a board 6" under their perch to catch the poo that's what I do with mine I've found a thin layer of dry soil or sawdust stops it sticking too much, then you can compost the poo in your heap.

  9. Chickens eat constantly and are not usually litter trained so as they eat they will deficate wherever they please and it does smell pretty bad when in the enclosure if not cleaned up regularly, however, when they poo on the ground it is quicky made into a very good fetilizer and goes into the ground pretty fast. The benefits of having chickens roam free on your property far out weigh the negative points like the potential for stepping in chicken poo.  They eat all sorts of pest bugs, like mosquitos, flys, nats and all sort of other pesky bugs and weeds. I highly suggest letting htem roam.

  10. Chickens just leave their mess anywhere they happen to be. You'll notice less mess in the coop during the summer months as they spend longer outside due to the hours of daylight. In the winter, they spend more time in the coop so therefore, there's more droppings inside.

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