
A question for *army wives*?

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My husband is thinking about joining the army, we've got an 11 month old son...I'm wondering about the pros and!




  1. cons-he gets shot and dies can have an affair while he is away....with me!!!

  2. pro-health care, free prescriptions, education funds, paid vacation, regular pay checks twice a month, bonuses for certain jobs or for reenlisting at times, discounts in placesand things if you look, you have a chance to see states  that you never thought of, your family is part of those that serves the government, retirement if he should get the rank and wants to stay in

    con-pay sucks and can be taken away if he messes up,  vacation time is when it's approved and earned, some of the doctors couldn't make it in the real world, can never seem to get the appointment that you wanted, there is limited time to go to school and have family time, deployment is longer than any of the other military braches,  prescription is usually generic brands, do you really want to see the states that you never thought of,  with each move you use more of your own money to move,  your family is part of the goverment and can be interupted by others in the government, there is always training for a deployment or a deployment, some come back with isolation problems and mental problems, there is a chance of death or injuries, most cases you are no where near other family members for help, it's hard to get yourself a job or education as your family grows because your husband is always gone with irregular hours (hard, but not impossible), the feeling of being lost when the active army is not part of your life anymore

    we love the army life.  it's just hard at times and both of you guys have to deal with it.  if he wants it easier, go air force.  their deploments is 2-6 months.  they have their own education system that is accepted at most universities or colleges.  my husband couldn't do that as active or spouse.  army is him and i'm married to him.

    just make sure that you're as ready as he is for this.  it's hard.  my husband has more pride that he is serving his country even with a chance of death happening than to work any job out there.  if he wasn't army, he could still die just driving to work.

  3. Pros- good insurance, good benefits, fairly good money, though not at first. The uniform is s**y, not that that is important, just a pro.

    Cons-he will be gone a lot!!!!!! Days, months, years at a time.  He will not always be able to call and tell you he is ok and you will worry yourself sick. No news is good news, remember that. Sometimes that is the only thing that keeps you sane. You have to trust him and his ability.

    If he does join, be a good Army wife, please. There are too many of them giving us a bad name right now.

    One more thing, yahoo answers kills time. My husband is doing his 2nd tour right now. By the way, i have not seen him since January!

  4. Pros:good money but not at first, great insurance, s**y uniform, teachs him responsibility, pays for schooling

    Cons:he gone for short and long periods of time, u not here from him for weeks or months, he will have horrible nightmares when he come home from the war, it takes a bad toll on his body, hes stressed all the time, people will constently say hes cheating on u, some army wives are very cruel like that

    But stay strong for him...make sure when he goes to iraq to not put more stress on him...he already has enough...dont make him worry about...try to not go to bars clubs and stuff like that beacuse people sure u know how that goes...for my husband and i there are more cons that pros...this is his second tour in iraq...and when he comes home he will be a different also thinkof ur son ur husband will miss out on so much of his life...and when he gets older he will know daddy wasnt there...and the most important thing.....DONT WATCH THE NEWS...its full of lies only belive what ur husband and his unit tells u no one else

    Good luck hunny stay strong

  5. In my experience my husband missed both our sons be born. Hasn’t been home for any birthdays and our oldest is three. On Tuesday we took him to the airport so he could attend Special Forces selection. Our oldest was strong and brave till we got to the car. Then he folded his arms and said I hate daddy, he doesn’t love me as he had little tears run down his face. This would be an example of things that suck. You will be separated for periods of time. But if you truly love each other and are willing to make it work you can. They have to be extra patient, understanding, and learn to ride the roller coaster of emotions when children are involved. My husband had just come home from a 15 month deployment. The kids hated everything he did, he didn’t do it right. Or they were so use to me doing it. It took months for them to get to know each other again. Over the deployment my husband was sure to call and send letters home. I had the boys send packages, wear dog tags, custom buttons with their dad’s picture on it… I tried to get them involved as much as possible. That seemed to help the separation.  But there are always huge gaps that need filled when they come home. Not just as a couple but as a family. Be sure you discuss the effects it will have on your son and relationship. If you are strong enough and want it bad enough, everything will work out fine. Be prepared to wait for phone calls, letters, e-mail...anything. You can drive yourself insane not knowing anything! Most of your responsibilities will rest on YOUR shoulders and your's alone. You will be a single mom a good chunk of time. You will be separated from your family and friends. And at times have little to no support. But I promise you will grow and learn. In time it wont be that bad.

    Pros: Good benefits, eventually good pay, life long friendships, see new places, find strengths you never knew you had, but most of all you will NEVER take each other or granted (in most cases)

    Good luck!

  6. tell him not to pursue it. there's this air of imminence that the US is gearing for more war in the Middle East. your husband's life might be wasted because of our stupid  foreign policies. tell him to join the police force instead. it's a lot safer. or maybe he can wait until US rethinks its options in the Mid East.

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