
A question for black people give a straight up answer?

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Would you like the world better if white people did not exist how would your life be different? Would it be better or would it be worse. I just want to put this out there whites and blacks are the minority races on the earth. China has 53% of the world population. Also the major white countries are decreasing in white population. so Why is everything either black or white why are we so different. Black people and white people have feuds all over the world why?




  1. it would be so nice if that eliminated the problem of grouping people in races however if it was all black or all white, we, as humans, would group eachother in "really white" "dark white" groups or really black", "light black" groups. It human nature to examin what makes us all different.

  2. I think that it just depends on who you're REALLY asking. Are you asking the people who call each other n***as and h*es, wear their pants below their waist, and laugh in an educated black or white person's face? Frankly, they'd probably laugh and say they'd miss making fun of "crackers". To me, I'd miss you guys. There's too many black people in the world who have no respect for themselves and call each other names that used to be a sign of disrespect. I'd hate to be surrounded by that. Then again, I'd hate to live with racist white people. I think it just depends on who would stay or go.

    Keep the sane, fair white people out there? Sure. Keep the ones who make things 'either black or white' and totally different and seperate from each other? No thanks.

    If you think about it, your world wouldn't be different because you wouldn't ever think that a person could have white skin. But, to not be a butt, my world would be different because there'd be a LITTLE less racism (not saying racism comes from only white people because we're hit with racism from many different races) and a little less variations in the looks of different people because we'd be the minority race.

    Thanks for asking. I think this is really interesting. :]

  3. i dont think any race shud be eliminated

  4. Theres tension just b/c of the ways many of us historically ended up there and the way it has transitioned these days. Personally, like the other guy said some of my friends would'nt exsist if whites werent here. If anything, I'd just wish we would all get over ourselves and have some freakin' peace. Accept each other for our differences or if a person does have a problem atleast leave them the h**l alone.

  5. Personally, that would suck for me because a lot of my good friends wouldn't exist. But to answer your question, everything is black or white because people make it black and white. We (blacks and whites) are so busy trying to claim everything as our own we don't see PEOPLE for who they really are. Everything has to be racial because we make it that way. Africans and Europeans are the most contrasted groups of people on Earth, there was a lot we didn't understand about each other. Anything we don't understand we tend to look down upon. But I think everyone's life would be better if we gor rid of this whole racial grouping thing.

  6. I'm black and i don't think the world would be better off if any race of people were eliminated. I like diversity, its way more positive things, then negative. I believe we argue because we are so different in everything. Like the opposite end of a spectrum. Have you ever notice when you compare all the races, those 2 are the most different from each other. Even down to the bones and hair.

  7. Someone has to pay for all the social programs that don't work. As a male white I think we need white people.

  8. The world would be boring if their was just black people or just white people.

  9. The world is made to require all races to get along, otherwise the land would be neatly and evenly divided so that white, black etc each get an equal share.

    God works in mysterious ways.

  10. You miss the point entirely. There is no such thing as a "black" or "white" man. Color exists only as a convenient distraction, an illusion if you will. For we are ALL OF US one race, the HUMAN RACE.  We could actually learn something from the animals, if we were willing. Have you ever seen a dog kill or maim another dog because the tail, or size or breed was different from itself? WHY IS THAT??? Hmmm. What? Because they have no "reasoning mind"? Riiiight. Dogs go off on each other because of food aggression or something obvious like that. But not for color or breed. Why does the lion go after the deer? Because of hunger, not for anything else. I think the diversity of "color" is a tool, not a hindrance. So, whats-his-face doesn't fit with your "color scheme" so what? I think it would lessen our experience as a human family to not have different colors, just like a rose garden would be pretty bland with only red roses, you think?

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