
A question for breastfeeding mothers...

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How long do you nurse your 6 weeks old baby until they become full?

If you pump, how much ounces of breastmilk does your 6 weeks old baby eat?




  1. Usually breastfed babies get to eat until they are full, but if you think your baby is eating too much (like they are spitting up a lot afterward) most of the time, a baby will breastfeed anywhere from 10-15 minutes per breast.  For bottlefed babies, they usually get about 4 oz. per feeding at this age.  It all depends on the baby though.  If they act like they are still hungry after 4 oz, give them some more.  My daughter nurses for about 5 minutes on each breast so every baby is different.

  2. My son was born early so I had to pump and supplement after each time he nursed. He nursed for an hour and I gave him 4 ounces. It was a hassle but luckily he was nursing efficiently by 2 months.

    Good luck!

  3. It has always depended on how my daughter ate how long she wanted to nurse! Sometimes she goes for 10 minutes, and then is done, and sometimes half an hour. I usually try for 3 burps--I can tell she needs to burp when she turns me into a "mommy popsicle" instead of a nipple. The third time she acts like that, I burp her and she's done. (She would suck all day ,sometimes.)

    When I pumped, she ate about 4-5 or 6 ounces at a time, depending on how long it had been since she ate.

  4. nurse until he/she does not want the breast?

  5. i couldn't measure the ounces cuz the baby fed on demand for as long as she wanted.  use bottles without a measuring prompt to alleviate the stress of worrying.  the baby will stop feeding when no longer hungry.

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