
A question for c++ savants?

by  |  earlier

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I am a python expert, and am trying to learn c++ simply for the fun of it(I really love the challenge of learning new languages). only, I want to do it by reading the code of other programmers renowned for excellent coding skills - Can someone recommend a regime of 'code-reading' from small, single-module programs to larger, heavily modular programs? also, what is a good place to start - networking, graphics programming, etc.?




  1. Before you start learning from other projects, make sure you have C++ pointers and memory management down. Python (as far as I know) does not have these things, which are used a lot in C++, and are mostly what makes it powerful. Then I would look at something small (although most small things are written in C) like Fluxbox (an X window manager) all the way up to something like Firefox (which takes two hours to compile on my quad-core).

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