
A question for church goers?

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Does this ever happen to you like on a regular basis:

You talk to your friends or family friends in church and while you are talking to that person or that person is talking to you, someone else butts in and starts talking to that person as if you weren't there. It doesn't matter what their age. It's within 3-30 seconds into your conversation that someone else butts in. You are a modest 23yr old woman with morals.

It happens to me almost on a regular basis and sometimes I hate it(rarely) because either A) I haven't seen them in awhile and their extremely important to me(not more than God of course) or B) I really wasn't done talking to them and what we were discussing was very important.

When I want to talk to someone, I wait until they're alone, not while they're busy with someone else.

What's the ethical thing to do? Ask them politely that you were talking first and to please excuse me while I finish my conversation with the person?




  1. It occasionally happens to me. Unfortunately some people have no manners or they wouldn't do this as it is very rude. When this happens to me my friend and I just exchange looks and wait it out. If the same person was constantly doing that I might ask them to wait until I'm done talking but it doesn't happen all that often.

  2. I usually wait till the person that butts in is done then finish my conversation. You could say can you wait till I'm done, I'm sorry but I just need an answer really quick

  3. That happens to me all the time, too. I think the other person just thinks that they are going to say Hello and be on their way, so it's okay to butt in. I don't mind if that's all it is, but if it turns into a long-winded conversation, I go find someone else to talk to and come back later to finish the original conversation.

  4. You're probably one of those girls who is so modest and so quiet, that other adults see you as a doormat.  You can be modest and have morals and still have a spine.

    Next time someone butts in and tries to take over the conversation, you pleasantly but firmly say, "Gee, Brother Johnson, I was trying to make some plans with Sister Sarah here.  I promise to send her right to you when we're finished.  We won't be but another minute."

  5. stuff like that happens to me, not necessarilly in church, but in life.  I think it is because i am shy. are you? you said that you are "modest"...

    I think it just means that we both need to be more assertive and not let people get the idea that it's ok to interrupt our conversation...somehow we are sending them that message...

  6. I think God knows everything that happens and that all things happen for a reason.  Maybe He is trying to teach you something thru this and that is why it keeps happening.  I thnk you are supposed to be gracious and loving no matter what . Try praying for a heart of forgiveness and turn to the person and talk to them, don't walk away.  Sometimes we are meant to be the listener and not the talker.   I know it can be hard at times but if we all try our best it makes the world a better place.  Also, make sure that you set a good example by taking the high road.  God bless you.

  7. yea that happens all the time to me!! its like that other person felt that it was more important to say hello than to let you finish your conversation with him/her...its so annoying. And plus, if someone said, excuse me I'm sorry for interrupting but i just wanted to say hello. That would be acceptable but in our cases, ppl don't have the decency to even ask first.

  8. why are you talking in church, should one prepare to take part in the service by meditating, and silent prayer

  9. kindly say excuse me i was talking. then butt in on their conversation and give a fake s****. grin.

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