
A question for each side?

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Liberals: How bad would it really bother you if abortion were made illegal?

Conservatives: How bad would it really bother you if tax cuts were taken away from big oil?

Be honset without being radical?




  1. As the poster stated above, people will get abortions any how, which means that its much better regulated, then outlawed altogether.  We have seen the results of when alchohol was prohibited, and even now, narcotics.

    Bottom line nothing should be outlawed that isnt causing harm to another living individual, and by that, I do not mean a fertilized egg.

    Right wingers are too obsessed with trying to legislate morality and that is a completely rediculous concept.

  2. I , too am old enough to remember before Roe vs Wade, I I would be upset a great deal to revert to those days where women were forced to have unwanted children, or back room abortions because someone "said so".  Like the bumper sticker says, "If you don't believe in abortions, then don't get one."  (btw, same goes for same s*x marriage, if you don't believe it's right, then don't get married to a g*y person.)

  3. Abortion being made illegal would bother me because it won't stop abortions. It will just prevent women from getting them from professionals in a safe and clean environment. I am against abortion morally speaking but I am pro choice as I try to live in the real world - where not everyone holds my views and I can't stop them by forcing my laws on them. I think the real answer is more s*x-ed (Cons pushing this abstinence/ignorance thing is absolutely appalling and goes against their ultimate cause) and free prophylactics that are easy to access - like in the nurse's office for example.

  4. If we take the tax cuts away from big oil,then big oil has a legitimate reason to raise prices even more.6 dollars a gallon,much?

  5. Since abortion is a constitutional right, it would bother me greatly if it were made illegal just like it bothered me greatly when I was spied on unconstitutionally by this administration.

  6. "I" am old enough to remember what it was like before roe vs wade. I like the law just the way it is.  Do not want to read about botched abortions where both died.  One death is enough do not need two, and the ramifications that go along with it.

  7. Why should one sector of the economy be singled out for punishment by government, when it has done nothing wrong? It violates the equal protection and treatment guaranteed by the Constitution.

    It would bother me to see our Constitution used to harm companies based on popular vindictiveness brought on by the ignorance encouraged by a radical party out of touch with all that has made America great.

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