
A question for every one that volunteers to answer ?

by Guest33080  |  earlier

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Do you feel this is true or false.

As a volunteer you should not need validation from a human. Your validation should come from inside yourself.




  1. True. I mean if you are helping peoples so they can tell you that you are a nice person. Then you should stop and become a movie star.

    I believe when you choose to help peoples it come from the will to help.

    Two main reasons you really need in order to help others.

    1. You can

    2. You want to.

    Acknowledged from another is just a icy on the cake. It not bad sometime. :)

  2. That is definatley true. A lot of people volunteer to get recognition or to add something to their resume, but as a volunteer the biggest reward is validation you receive inside yourself.

  3. Well, my answer is a two part answer.

    A.) I believe validation SHOULD come from inside yourself.

    B.) I believe 95% of validation comes from someone else.

    There is a difference between SHOULD and DOES.

  4. ok,,

    do u really speak to animals:)?

  5. True.

  6. I think people should do it to be nice and help other people insted of being a couch potato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But that is my opion.

  7. yes l agree with you

  8. Absolutely true! I help cats and dogs that have been abused and neglected, and I don't need anyone to tell me "good job"--I just know what I'm doing is the right thing to do.

  9. i believe thats totally true

    if you feel is good and worth your time, thats alll that counts

  10. Some volunteers just need to do it because courts make them.

  11. while we all tend to seek approvement from others, I volenteer for purely selfish reasons: it makes me feel good. I do a lot of volenteer work that very few people know about and it is simply because I love how good it makes me feel. This does depend on the individual person, a lot of people do it for the attention that it gets them such as my neighbor. To me you just need to do what makes you feel good, cause that is who you must live with - yourself.

  12. ? I don't understand

  13. true

  14. I think it's true as a human being but what does being a volunteer have to do with it?

  15. It is definitely true.  

    But the operative word here is 'should'.  We 'should' not need validation or recognition from others, but often we do need it.

  16. i agree with you

    but i feel good after volunteering, makes me feel like i am doing something

  17. it is true, but on the other hand,

    we are all human and desire acceptance and validation.

    No matter who the person is and how pure their intentions are, everyone wants to know that their work is appreciated and that they are doing a good job - it gives the motivation to push through, work harder and give more when you know your work is not in vain

  18. Yes I don't do it the reconization I do it because it feels good.

  19. Yes, you shouldn't need validation and to a certain extent I have found that is true.  But I used to be a dog walker at two shelters and when it became too much to go to both it was the one that had a "whatever" attitude that got dropped.  It is nice to get some positive feedback, if only a welcome when you arrive to sign in!  Yes, sign in <g>.  The first shelter didn't keep track of who was volunteering, provided no orientation, and there was little feedback.  The one where I volunteer now had orientation before I started, has staff that say "hi" when they see me, and emails when they need help so I know when there is a specific need.  Some interaction and guidance is necessary.  Thank you cards or little prizes are not.

  20. agreed!

  21. It's true but there are many people who would abuse that. Therefore creating a need to validate volunteering.

  22. Your Validation should come from inside yourself...

  23. Amen

  24. well, i think u need a supervisor,a person that helps u and that guides u on how u can better help.and they can tell u if ur doing a good job or not, how u can improve or be more effective.

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