
A question for everyone who just answerd that OUJIA board question...?

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i used to do them all the time, and was always skeptic that people were moving the glass (untill freaky things started happening and now i do think they could be real)...

...anyway i saw a lot of people answer with 'you just move the glass sub-conciouslessley' which is fair enough its a good argument, BUT that doesnt explain the weird things that happen when you do them i.e the room goes freezing cold!!!

Anyway if people do subconciousley move the glass, then how do you explain this:

My friends dad lives in a very old massive farm house, which has been in her family for generations, there are A LOT of old black and white photos of her ancestors and my friend has no idea who any of them are! (they really are quite freaky!) Anyway we was messing around doing a oujia board talking to this little boy who used to live their, we asked him what he looked like and he told us to just look at his picture. he then went on to tell us he was in a picture in my friends hall, in front of the house, sitting on the grass next to his golden retriever and that he had blonde hair (he also described some of the people in the photo) anyway later on in the day we was looking at the photos and found him in the picture! exactly like he said!!!!!

Now my friend whos dads house it was, wasnt on the board cuz they scare her. and all the others on the board it was their first time in the house!

Whether oujia boards are real or not, you cant deny that their is no explanation for that? and that it is freaky!!

She has got hundreds of these pictures hanging up, and this little boy had described this one picture in perfect detail!

You cant deny you wouldnt be freaked out!!!!




  1. Toying with the occult is truly playing with fire.

    satan LOVES it when people get trapped in demonic deceptions and the occult.

  2. Yeah, that would be freaky.  I think that would be an incredible experience.  I don't completely believe it but have no idea why it 'might' have happened.

  3. PLEASE!! Stop playing around with that board! It is a dangerous tool that could render you ineffective to deal with spiritual mind games that will come your way if you continue. You really are dealing with some very nasty spiritual entities that can only bring you harm.

  4. It's subconscious. You had seen the photo, and your subconscoius mind described it for you. It might have only been a glance, and you wouldn't have realised that you saw it at the time, but you did see it. And yes, it does sometimes get cold when your using a ouija board. It also gets cold occasionally when your playing candyland. Temperature changes.

  5. well i didnt see your first question about the oujia board but they are 100 percent real.

    i swear i'm not crazy but i'm 15 and last year the oujia board was like all me and my friends did and at first it was just something that was there to mess with when we were bored and i didnt believe it and people are sooo convinced that everyone moves it but we played it so much that some creepy things started happening.

    i asked it personal questions about myself that no one knew and it got them all right so there was no way that someone was moving it.

    and we asked it to make one of our phones ring at like 3:28 and it did!

    and we asked it if it had any questions for us and it said "yes ak"

    (ak were my bestriends anitials...alissa kasper.) and it said spelled out this girls name and then spelled out friend was freaked out and she didnt know anyone with that name so we ignored it.her mom came to pick her up early but everyone else continued playing.she texted us and said she had just witnessed an accident and saw a girl being put on a stretcher.the following day the accident was in the news and the girl who died in the accident was the girl who the oujia board warned my friend about because it knew she would see the accident happen.weirddd huh???

    another time my friends mom was playing it and got so freaked out that she burned it and the next day it was back in her closet fully restored.we found out that you cant get rid of it unless you pass it down to someone.

    we also found out that if you put the bible right next to it then it wont work.

    we asked it questions about the future and it hasnt missed any of them so far.

    i have plennttttyyy more personal expierences with that board so if you want anymore then just ask.

    but its 100% real and its not something to mess with.

  6. i would be freaked out and for more than 1 reason...that was probably a demon you were "talking" to and he's going to look for some way to hurt you if you keep it up.

  7. For some odd reason, my life has brought be back time & time again to people who practice in the occult. I managed a metaphysical bookstore which solidified the fact that "messing around" in these realms without being fully educated herpracticedngerous!

    When you play with the ouija board YOU OPEN DOORS. My former fiance unleashed very dark forces upon himself and, while involved, they came after me. I was physically assaulted at one point by a disembodied entity. *PLEASE PEOPLE* Don't open doors you are unable to shut. Don't let any more dark forces into our realm.

    Thank you!

    PS: By the way, the ONLY way to fight the dark is with LIGHT & LOE, so if you do let something in, do your best to surround yourself with light to stay safe. Try to do the same with the entity and send it back where it came from. Best to not open the door though.

  8. It's nonsense. I don't believe any of it,no matter how many anecdotal events you relate. Someone had to have seen the photo before your little seance and manipulated the glass or planchette. You are not the most reliable witness I have ever heard. What are you ten years old? Your writing is atrocious.

  9. maybe somebody was playing games with you.  Ouija boards are a victorian parlour trick, some come with instructions, for how to cheat and amaze your friends.

  10. I guess that means you are no longer an atheist.

  11. These boards are real, stay away from them, They are control by demonic spirits.

  12. So had you visited her house before? You were there.  

  13. That is weird!

    I have had similar expiriences and I totally agree that there's something odd about them. Just becasue parker brothers mass merchandises them, doesn't mean they're not based on an original board, or that they don't work! I have made homemade ones that work before!

  14. Ouija board are a tool for contacting and summoning the forces of evil... even if some are made by "toy" manufacturers... even a hand drawn one on cardboard can be used to summon evil... any contact made through a ouija board is with a force of evil...

    The souls of departed mortals do not stick around haunting. And they do not come back for visits or to communicate in any way

    the forces of evil can, and do, mimic the departed mortals. And they are very good at it, because they know all about every one... the can make claims like you describe and be very convincing...

    Ouija boards are not to be taken lightly... they are very dangerous and should not be messed with... DO NOT interact with any "ghost" or spirit brought out by such tools... or any that may be encountered in any form... there is no such thing as a "friendly" ghost.

    I knew the truth of evil and had such contacts long before I came to know God and The Truth.... The forces of evil are very real and are the dominating force on this earth. And will remain so until God decides to end it.... DO NOT MESS WITH SUCH FORCES

  15. One of the guests could have seen the pic though -- maybe I am just nosey, but I always look at pics and such when I am in someone's home -- no, I do not go out of my way to snoop, lol, but if they are hanging on the wall, I do notice.  Even if they just glanced at one pic, they could have described it to you all in pretending it was the boy himself

  16. Try blindfolding the users and then without them knowing it, turn the board upside down.  Even with the board oriented as they expect it to be, they will not be able to produce rational answers.

    Your "freaky" story can be easily explained by one of the players having observed the picture on the way in.  Also old photos may appear freaky but they are just photos that reflect the life and culture of a different time.

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