
A question for girls...?

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So if you've read my other questions you know I like this girl and we're pretty good friends for the past 8 years. So I find her on Facebook and add her as a friend. A few days later I see it says "Add as a Friend" again (which means she ignored the request). So I just sent it again and it appears as though she just ignored it.

I'm kind of confused. She has people as friends on there that she talks to less than me anyway. What do you think?




  1. Keep your distance from her for a while.

    She's not what you think she is.

  2. yeah u shouldnt worry abt it...just message her asking why she hasn't approved of your requests. maybe she didn't have time to look if you want to know you should ask. you've been friends 8 years after all? ^^

  3. Maybe she thinks that she thinks that it makes 0 since for you and her to be talking over the internet. Maybe she thinks you are way to attached. Don't feel offended, I mean someone could have been in her face-book like her mom or brother. Don't worry about it

  4. are you doing something wrong like talking lol

    but don't worry who cares be friends with somebody that like you

  5. facebook is facebook..... dont worry about it...

  6. don't worry, maybe she doesnt want it to become a gossip point

  7. what a lame person!  

    so i think that it's her loss that she's missing out on an opportunity to reconnect!

    whatever, that kind of people are so fake, they probably don't even like themselves or their past...

  8. unlike most of these fools Ive ACTUALLY READ your other questions and know your predicament.  It really sounds like she likes you based on your other Q's, so she prob. just hasnt checked her requests yet.  Tell her that youve added her in person, just like "oh, btw, I added you" and shell accept the invite.

    P.S. Ask her out already dude!

  9. sorry to say but maybe you should just forget her i mean aint nobody that worth it for you to just keep getting played. I mean you never know so just try one more time

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