
A question for husbands and wives?

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What are your thoughts on lingerie?

My husband doesn't seem to care for it much, unfortunately cuz I happen to love it lol

Husbands do you like lingerie?

Wives to your husbands like lingerie?




  1. Assuming the wife is reasonably shapely :-) lingerie looks great. The whole idea is to build suspense - you can see a bit but not everything and that wants you to see more. It's like a mental game with the objective of turning a man ON. If the man is already turned on, he won't want to waste time on the lingerie game.

    So next time, try starting early and just see if he likes the game at all in the first place - most men do. Lingerie is optional - try wearing a top with a plunging neckline, bend over a bit so he can see your cleavage, wear a tubetop or stretch dress, tight pair of jeans/pants/skirt... touch him suggestively in the right places... "accidental" rubs work like magic... wear a fragrance he likes... bracelets/ear rings if he finds them appealing

    If he responds well then you presumably don't need the lingerie but you can be assured that he will like it. So then you got to work on the timing. He may either already be turned on or may be tired and wants to get it done quickly (as a release mechanism) rather than spend time on the strip tease part. Try giving him (or each other) a soothing massage (while wearing the lingerie) so you are both focused on the mutual experience rather than insisting on acting out your lingerie fantasy...

  2. Its cute and s**y but, my husband doesnt see the point, He's pulling it off before I can get it all the way on... I do however love a s**y nightie to sleep in...

  3. I can pretty much guarantee that your husband is in a very small minority. I, for one, love it. Wish my wife wore it more often!

  4. My man LOVES it.  I like it too.  Unfortuantley, I should wear it more for him.  Thanks for your question because I think I will tonight!  

  5. Count your blessing...

    name them one by one...

    Count your blessings...see what God has done.....

    Your husband likes you anyway you come!

    Dress what makes YOU feel good... as long as you feel GOOD...he feels GOOD!

    Do not mess with what's not broken!

  6. My husband isn't really into lingerie either, he gets more out of it when  I have more covered so he can use his imagination.  I'm not talking full head to toe covered, but me in a t-shirt and sleep pants is s**y to him.

    But me I like it because I'm a girly girl and I love all the pretty lacy stuff!

  7. Nothing is all you need. Unless you need to cover up something (fat, bad skin, ect.) before you climb in the sheets.

  8. The confusion is that lingerie  only for the  bedroom..You want to turn him on slowly and keep up the teasing factor until you hit the bedroom.....put lingerie on while you are both home alone...walk around the house in it...while he is watching the stupid football,basketball game have some on...when half time hits....LOOK OUT! if you want vacuum the house with it on....LOL.  I think you wil love the reaction you  receive

  9. My husband loves for me to wear lingerie, even after 29 yrs. of marriage. lol

  10. My first husband loved it but hubby number two didn't care one way or the other.  He liked just bra and panties or nothing at all.  

  11. My husband likes tasteful lingerie, but once I put it on, it doesn't seem to stay on very long!

  12. I love lingerie- it is often hard to find it in my size though.

    Ohhh, on my wife? Sure! Who doesn't?

    Like Trappeys Hot Sauce it adds a bit of exotic flair to any occasion! :)

  13. i like how lingerie looks on my wife i am more turned on by it then if she where in her normal underwear maybe becouse it can be abit more revealing and leave less to your imaginantion i am sorry your hubby does not care for it much i like to belive it offers a sexual confdince to my wife as well  

  14. who cares if he likes it or not! does it make u feel good in it?

    confident and soo s**y...he'll be glad u bought it ,coz hes in for a h**l of a night!!

  15. I love lingerie, she doesn`t wear it , has the body to, but does wear little sorts and a tight top to bed, same thing to me, it works! I wish she would wear it though..

  16. i think lingerie is a good way to make yourself feel good. maybe if you wear it often he'll get used to it and it'll be more of something he cares more about. but until then just try not to bring the topic up to often.

  17. Personally, my husband loves to see me in lingerie, just not for too long. You know what I mean? LOL

  18. Not really. Just not my thing. Not hers, either, so it works out nicely. I wouldn't have a problem if she did. I suspect he'll do fine with most anything.  

  19. My husband doesn't. If you like it and it makes you feel s**y, I can't see why your hubby would object. Like me, you can't expect it to do the trick for him, though.


  21. personally i can`t see the point of it it will only be coming off anyway

  22. I love husband loves it too...But I think every man would rather see their wife in their birthday suit!! lol ;)

  23. I say if you love wearing it, then wear it!  I know what you're saying though, you feel like it's being wasted since he doesn't care or notice what you're wearing.  I also love lingerie (on women)!  The way I look at it is, if she took the time to put it on, I better take the time to admire her and appreciate the effort she put forth to make the moment even better.  

  24. lingerie is fun and helps spice up things. do not let your hubby's don't care attitude keep you away, deep down he enjoys seeing you in those hot numbers!

  25. I have been married for ten years and I love it when she wears it. Any time her Grand mother wanted a new Grand baby she would buy the girls a black worked every time;-}

  26. My husband likes it. Not all the time,but if there's going to be lots of light, I feel more confident with a little something on....

    My husband says it's nice to leave a little up to the imagination, especially when he knows every inch of my body so well.

  27. My husband loves it and so do I

  28. i personnally like to look s**y to my hubby but i dont make it a big deal . once in a while i might spice it up more than usual but i can still rocks just a bra and undies . anyway it turn my hubby on really bad when i make him take pictures of me while acting naughty .  

      but you know we have got kids and when they re running around, just no one cares  who is wearing what and when they re sleeping and you re probably tired too you dont have time for romance but s*x . but the day you take them to a friend or parent and have the entire house to yourself , baby spice it up , keep it tight and let it out . .  

      oohhh . i love those days . they should be more often  

  29. i like them

  30. I enjoy lingerie on my wife! It doesn't stay on long most of the time though.

  31. Yeah, but those thongs dig in a bit !.

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