
A question for medical doctors/students in Australia please?

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Note: (any med docs/students could answer this, but it would be really helpful from someone who live in WESTERN AUSTRALIA)

I’m in yr 11 this year and ever since the age of 5, I’ve always dreamed of becoming a doctor – it’s been my whole life dream and it means everything to me. But I’m having a major problem and this is my situation:

This year, my school progress has become a nightmare for me. I’ve only missed out 5 weeks of school the start of this year coz of going overseas to visit my family, and this is what’s happened. I’ve always been in the intelligent group ever since primary school: from being part of PEAC (Primary school Extension Academic Centre) for a number of years to completing ATP (Academic Talented Program – which is the top class in the school) in years 8 to year 10. Now in year 11, I’m going from a straight–A student (and in fact I always get 80% or higher) to an F. I’ve never done so badly before, and it’s getting worse everyday. How could I catch up fast when my EXAMS is coming up next Wednesday? I need serious help on exams and study techniques (& how do you study effectively? And what is your way of studying?). I also know that to get into medicine, the TER score is considerably very high and competitive, so as another question of interest, how much time should I study at home for my last two yrs of high school and become successful in the end? How could I also manage the amount of stress that I’m having right now due to the amount of work that I have to catch up on?

I’ve only got till the end of this year and the next 3 terms of next year left until the final EXAMS (and I’m really worried) that may as well determine which pathway I’m getting into and I want to achieve the best score in order to get into med school. So I’m begging for serious help from the people who have successfully done this before and gotten through it.

Thanx so much :)




  1. i dont know but you should ask this question in yahoo australia. then there would be australian people answering this question

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