
A question for men?

by  |  earlier

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Why do men prefer young women? Is it because:

a) they're naive

b) they're at the prime of their physical appearance

c) they make men feel younger

d) other (please explain)




  1. Consciously, it's b.

    Biologically, it could be that younger women (but not too young) are more suitable in bearing a healthy offspring

  2. I don't. That's a faulty assumption. I'd rather have a 40-50 yr old. Be tough to talk about Miles Davis, and she's talking about Hannah Montana.

  3. i think men prefer young women because we are afraid of getting older and looking older alot of us guys want a young women so she can take care of us when we need her too

  4. A

  5. b

  6. I don't prefer younger women, seems they are stuck on ideas that I can' relate too. I need to be able to talk about issues that I feel are important, and not some back and forth bickering over somebody wearing the same dress you bought last week. Also can't stand the things a younger women calls entertainment, can't watch American idol, and all that c**p.

    I have a minimum age requirement, regardless of looks.  However I have met some younger women that actually were very mature, but it is the exception rather than the norm

  7. Yes. Plus, they are easier to train.

  8. ill go with b as well

  9. I prefer older women. i'm only 19, but i prefer women in there 20's.

    To answer your question i think alot of men prefer younger women because of a,b and c.

  10. all of the above
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