
A question for mothers about their sons.?

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I have always wondered if mothers worry particularly about their son's testicles during childhood or even adulthood but I guess childhood mostly. I mean, they are two extremely sensitive organs that have no sort of protection at all. And worse, if they get damaged, there is no way to replace or repair them. And they get damaged very easily. Just think, one accidentally misplaced knee or a freak accident playing kickball (no pun intended) and BAAM, no grandchildren for you. I know dads worry about that kind of thing, but what about mothers? Do any of you think about and worry about that sort of thing?




  1. My son is 15 and I can't say that his testicles worry me. As a matter of fact, that thought has never crossed my mind. I'm more concerned about his education and making sure he grows up to be a kind, hard working, well adjusted, happy adult.

  2. i have 3 sons who are still in diapers, but i worry about it too! Its awkward to think about! cause girls are sooo different.

  3. Get a life son.

  4. I have a son and honestly it never really crossed my mind.

  5. No.  I have four sons and honestly, I have never spent my time worrying about any of their specific body parts.   I am aware of how easily their testicles can be damaged and even destroyed, but I am also aware of the danger of them getting tackled in football and being paralyzed, or having a baseball thrown at them and hitting their mouth and knocking all of their teeth out.  Statistically, they are more likely to die in a car accident than to lose one or both testicles due to a freak accident.  

    Do I sit and worry about those things, no.   Do I take measures to protect them from those dangers...sure.   They wear a mouth guard when it's called for, they wear seat belts in vehicles and they wear a cup when the need arises.  Otherwise, I just pray for their safety and leave it to God.  

    If I spent my time worrying about every possible injury that could occur, with four boys, I would do nothing BUT worry!

  6. I never really thought about it.  I figure that they are protected by his legs and all boys know well enough during sports to protect their "sensitive" area.

  7. i have a 4yr old son and a son on the way and i've never really thought of that

  8. ummmm, no! I asked my hubby also and he said no I never thought about them to be honest. Now when he is playing baseball he has a cup on and if he complains about anything we check it out but I think that is a strange question to be perfectly honest.

  9. The only time i have worried about my sons testicles is when my oldest was born, coz he had one that was down, and one that was still up inside his groin.

    Apart from that, i never worry about it. they are fine!

  10., I would never spend time worrying about my sons testicles.  In sports he wears the proper protective gear and other than that I can't say that I give thought to his genitals.  There are far more important things to worry about with regards to their safety and well being.

  11. I didn't.

    Aside from common sense safety gear when my son played sports, I really didn't think about it at all.

    Men and boys are naturally protective of their "bits". They are going to instictively protect them. I seriously know of no man or boy who had such a severe injury there that it required hospitalization, let alone forever reduced their chances for fertility.

    They really are tougher than you give them credit for.

  12. erm...I never really thought about it. I'd be concerned if there was some serious damage caused but not whether or not I'll have grandkids.

    Though, I will admit, that since my son is still in diapers...I haven't had much need to worry yet! :D

  13. has this happened to your son?

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