
A question for my friend about ducks?

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um ok i need to know if call ducks can fly can you tell me?




  1. Yes, Call, ducks unlike many other Domestic Duck breeds are quite Capable of flying.

    And are very good flyers too.

    Most Domestic Duck Breeds have been bred to be Big, With Lots of Meat and Small Wings.

    Which has, made them incapable of Flying.

    And, I thought you wanted Pekins, not Calls.

  2. yup i think so

  3. Yes most of the small breeds of ducks can fly, but the bigger the duck the less of a chance he has of flying. We used to have white calls and mallards that flew but never left the yard.

  4. if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck.

    What is a call duck? Is that when you call out DUCK!?

    sorry I don't know the answer but I've always wanted to answer a duck question...ya, I need to get a life.

  5. Yes they can.  They are a bantam breed (small).  Some ducks, such as Rouen, are bred to be to heavy to fly. So if you do not want a flying duck..find a heavy weight duck. :] Another thing about call ducks is that they are the noisiest breed! (i read that in a its accurate.) Good luck!

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