
A question for nurses and/or those that are in nursing school..?

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did your professors constantly try to put you and your classmates down and belittle you while they teach the class?

I ask this questoin b/c i'm a nursing student and all these professors do is discourage individuals and threaten to fail students from the first day of class and say rude things through out the semester like you'll never be a nurse, i hold your future in my hands and i will make sure of it and stuff like that..i don't think its right and it really does a number on the mental well beings of individuals including myself

any advice on how to just get over their negativity?

thank you =)




  1. Yes nursing school is very demanding and challenging.  You should not have to deal with people speaking to you that way, however Nursing is not for people who can not handle adversity and harsh talk.  Their method may be off, bt the theory behind is if you can't hack it hear you wont hack it in the real world either.  If being a nurse is what YOU really want, then you will need to develop some thicker skin and not allow them to affect you.

    My best advice to you to get over their negativity is to just make good grades, graduate, and get your licensce.  Thats the way to get the last laugh.  

  2. This is way inappropriate and I would contact the program coordinator and it that fails, the dean.

    While these folks have been around the block more than once and they can generally identify those who just arent going to make it, there is no need to make those statements publicly.

    In our program, we were addressed as nurses from the first day and treated as such throughout our education.

    I am so sorry.

  3. I'm just telling you from my perspective--doesn't necessarily mean it is true in every situation =)

    Nursing school is highly competitive (not the best completion rate---students working sub-par are weeded out early).  A lot of your professors have been "floor nurses" at one point, and KNOW how difficult it is--along with the little respect they get from doctors, families, etc.  The thing is, nurses are respected and trusted as a whole by the general public (observation).  They want to make sure you have the drive to complete (and you will encounter A LOT of people that act this way on a hospital floor)...and you need to have a thick skin.  You will encounter a lot of nurses that will be critiquing your every move (and the sheer busyness makes even the nicest nurse "cranky").  

    Honey, just do the best you can--give the best care to your patients that you can--and get through it.  Keep your nose to the grindstone and ignore the negativity.  If there is anything I've learned being a nurse, it is to not take things personally!!!

  4. I hear ya Inkee Girl!

    While doing my Pre-req's for nursing, the teacher who was teaching us Psych 101 was so mean, I wanted to drop her class.

    She'd say that the reason she was hard towards us is because in the real world nothing is easy and that nothing is given to anybody in a silver platter.

    She said her teachers were tough with her during class and she would make sure she would do the same with us.

    It made me study even harder and go forth the extra mile - I was determined to pass her class regardless.  FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION.

    I passed with a B.

    So just take it in stride, this helps you deal with different personalities that you will be facing with patients as a nurse and it will make YOU a better person for it

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