
A question for parents out there!?

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My boyfriend (19) and I (20) live together and we have a hard time supporting ourselves sometimes between working and going to school. Yesterday morning, his mom called us and asked us for $1500. They blow their money, and can't get a loan. They asked my boyfriend to take out an installment loan of the $1500 and they will pay us $200. But everytime they owe us something, they call with some sob story... then turn around and buy a $500 purebred dog. Without that $200 a month, I then have to call my parents for help. So it turns into a big mess. I know it's his parents, but they've let us down so much in the past. And $1500 is a lot of money to lose.




  1. Stand up know or it is only going to get worse. Your boyfriend should agree with you that this is not appropriate and it can't be done.

  2. Sorry, they should be helping your boyfriend out with his finances or showing up at the door with a gift of groceries. No parent should mooch off their grown child like this and I say it is time to close the bank. Tell them no which is easy since it is a small word and focus on paying your bills for school. Hang up when they start  to tell you their phony sob stories or tell them you are broke and can't help them . Spend the money on yourselves and let his parents solve their own money problems.

  3. You are making a life for yourself....tell them where the bank is close to them.

    Family will never....NEVER pay you back.....ever

  4. If it was for food or something similar I would give it to them but not for luxuries, you will have to tell them you cant afford it. You are both working just now but what happens when children come along.

  5. If you don't have that type of money to loan them then you shouldn't have to.  His parents should know how to support themselves by now.

  6. You are not married to your boyfriend.  Did she really ask for 1500 from "Us" (meaning you and boyfriend) or just him.  You know you don't have to give him money or pay more than your share of the rent right?  Stand up for and support yourself first and foremost... especially when you are just playing house.

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