
A question for parents?

by  |  earlier

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my triplets are almost a month old and two of them are very happy babies, Max and Etha. My other baby, Belle, is not. I have not once seen her smile and she is VERY VERY quiet. I have taken her to the doctor but i was just being silly as the doctor said there was nothing wrong with her. She NEVER cries, ever. She never gurgles or makes noises.. The other 2 are very loud and happy and i am just so worried. My older daughter Harlie, 6, said mommy is Belle alive? As she has never heard her. I am really worried about my baby girl. Could anyone give me any advice?




  1. She could just the quiet passive one of the three, it might a blessing. LOL   this made me remember I seen something on one of those baby health channels, there was a little baby girl who acted like that. she never cryed and she was always sleeping. she has some extremly  rare diease in her pancreas. It wasnt pulling her vitamians from her milk which made her sleepy all the time and she wasnt growing that much and her bowels had an awful smell.  

  2. Calm the heck down!!!! Its normal!!!! Not all babies cry or are always happy! It's a freakin baby for godsake it doesn't show its emotions all of the time!!!!

  3. Wow -triplets!  You must be a VERY busy mom!  

    Babies do seem to have different temperaments, right from birth.  One of mine was very quiet and didn't strike me as particularly happy; she has been this way all her life.  Development is also highly variable, especially when they are so young.  A lot of babies don't smile yet at four weeks.  Is she showing any kind of social response? Making eye contact, listening to your voice, calming down when fed or held? If so, that's reassuring.  If not, I might be concerned too.  The lack of any kind of sounds does seem unusual, but I'm no expert.

    I don't think you're being silly, and if the doctor said that, you should consider taking your baby to a different doctor.   Your instincts are telling you that something is not right.  It may just be typical new-mom worrying, and your daughter may be perfectly normal, but you have the right to be taken seriously.  I would get another opinion.

  4. She may be the little one, you know like the runt of a puppy litter.  It may just take a little longer for her to do things, plus she may not have to cry or anything, if her brother and sister are crying to get a need met- you are probably meeting her need at the same time- so no need to cry!  If the doctor says she's healthy have faith and as always trust your instincts- if you feel she's ok- she probably is, but if you truly in your heart think somethings wrong find another doctor- do so until someone helps you feel better about your baby

  5. No sound at all, Have you considered that she might have a hearing problem, Have they, or you checked that? DOes she respond to your voice when she can't see you. Or when their is noise does she turn to look for it. or jump. if not I would take her back to the Dr. or another one and ask them straight out to check her hearing. Don't be afraid to speak up to the Dr.s You are the one who is living with that child and knows what she is like. They see her about 15 minutes per check up.

    If she responds to noise. then I don't know. Good luck with all three.

    Remember to take care of your self also.

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