
A question for parents with 3,4 or 5 year old boys

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I'm 14 and i have a 3 year old (almost 4) little brother

whenever anyone is playing around with him, like playing tag or something, he screams because hes happy

my parents yell at him and discipline him for screaming, and say thats what 'girls' do. Its not his fault though, he just does it without thinking about it, and my parents usually yell at him until he cries or begs for forgiveness--i think they are taking it too far, i think its really mean, and i tell them, but they are like: WE are the parents WE know how to raise him!

i'm just wondering if this is normal, and maybe i'm overreacting?




  1. ALL little kids scream high-pitched when they are happy.  Have they never been to a playground before.

    You are right and your parents are wrong.  But, they are the parents.  You can just try and point out, when you see other boys doing it, see they do it too.  Or something like that.  Or you could give them some reading on gender-bias and how parents often raise their boys different than their girls without even realizing it.

    BTW, they can't "stop" him from being g*y.  

  2. I would discourage it if it were my child when indoors or out to eat, etc, but running around outside, its fine. Its just something kids do, boys and girls when they are young. Your little brother has no idea what g*y and straight are, he just knows he is excited and having fun.

    Since when do g*y people scream more than straight people?

  3. your brother will associate the "being happy" time, with the vision of your parents screaming and yelling at him.  he can't understand the whole "g*y issue". he thinks that he's just not being allowed to be happy...which is wrong. your parents are doing more harm than they're realizing. you should show them the answers people are giving. make a print-out and make them read this. my son is 5 and he screams when he's's normal, most 5 year old boys do it!!!

  4. call child service or some thing or tell your school councilor they would no the best thing to do.

  5. my son does this and yes I have told him not to scream in the house for a few reasons

    1. It rattles my nerves like crazy and actually hurts my ears

    2. When he started doing it I tried to ignore it, but by doing so it made him worse and he would squeal and scream all the time. I couldn't handle the noise

    Normally I try not to holler at him but I have lost patience and done it before, usually after about the 5th time of me trying to persuade him not to. I will let him do all the squealing and hollering all he wants to outside. But inside he has to take it down a few notches.  

  6. they are taking it to far it isnt like he is g*y because he screams when he is happy my kids are 3 and 7 and they scream when they are happy while playing tell thdem to chill a little he is just a little kid

  7. ur parents sound like they have a real serious issue! why isnt ur lil bro allowed to scream when he's happy? its cute.its precious. it should make them happy that their child is happy and not angry this point though there really isnt much of anything u can do. what do ur relatives think of this? maybe talk to someone else in teh family about it?like grandparents, aunts uncles...  

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