
A question for people who are solidly "pro-life", or anti-abortion, etc?

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If a fetus is diagnosed with a type of trisomy, or gastroschisis and omphalocele (baby born with organs inside out, ending in a slow and painful dead), or the mother is a 13 year old who got raped and may probably die at, under your believe, still inadequate to perform an abortion?




  1. No. If a 13 year old who may die is impregnated, she should choose. In the case of the organs being inside out, I think it is appropriate to abort the child in the most painless way possible, so that the mother doesn't have to suffer through labor to watch the child die, and the child suffers less.

  2. I believe that there are always special circumstances.  Rape and such are circumstances that should warrant an abortion. I think within a week of a rape, the victim could and should use the abortion pill.  

    But I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control.  Too many capable adults are having abortions just because having a baby or being pregnant would be such an inconvenience for them.  THAT'S what I've got a problem with.  There are MANY effective birth control methods to choose from and some people choose not to use them- then end up pregnant.  Men should always use condoms if they don't want to be a father and a woman should use the pill, IUD, diaphragm, the shot etc.. AND make sure the man uses a condom if she doesn't want to get pregnant.

    Trisomies and other fatal birth defects MAY warrant an abortion out of mercy- not out of personal inconvenience. Parents of babies with those problems would not take the decision lightly.  

    (Omphalocele is not always fatal BTW)

  3. Yes. Because, a 13 year is not likely going to die. If they have hit puberty they can have the child physically.  Now I would say it would be hard like if I knew the girl to tell her you have to go through with this.

    But - my stance is ( that the circumstance of the pregnancy does not change this) that if the mother's life is in danger then it is up to the doctors to assess probability of survival. Then the fetus is given a chance. As for the disease - women's bodies usually reject babies (miscarriage) babies with issues that severe. If they don't I wouldn't say abort anyway - because if it is opened up for some people then it will be opened for all.

    And there are people who abort for frivolous reasons. I know this is harsh - but I would rather they didn't have the option so I hate that some would suffer but that is still better then who knows how many lives being cut off before they even develop. Again, I think doctor's are the only ones who should be able to chose who lives when it comes to a pregnancy.  Then it is a medical issue decision - a "who will survive."

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