
A question for people who dye their hair....?

by  |  earlier

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My hair is dark brown and I was thinking about dying it a shade lighter and putting a tiny bit of highlights in it. Like this:

My question is do I have to go to the salon or can I do it at home.

And if I do have to go to the salon, about howmuch will it cost?




  1. Have it done in a salon.  They are more expensive than a box, but they'll do it waay better than you can do it by yourself at home, especially if you're thinking about adding highlights.  It can cost anywhere from 100 too 400 dollars depending on where you go.  Plus you'll need to tip well for a service that much so keep that in mind too.

    If you do it at home, you'll have to read the instructions exactly so that you don't mess up.  And, I'd wait a day after doing full color to add highlights.

  2. DEFINATELY go to the salon for the highlights

  3. i'm sure you can do it at home but it will be complicated and it will suck if you mess up. My hair is dark brown as well and I got it done and it cost me $120 and my hair was long. It came out great!

  4. You could do it at home, but it might take 2 times of dying it before you achieve the color you are looking for since your hair is naturally dark.  Home application would cost about $16 for two boxes of dye.

    If you went to a salon they charge between $45 - $75 for dying and $35 - $65 for highlights but you are gauranteed the color you want.

  5. It depends what salon you go to! You could do it at home if you trust yourself not to muck it up and end up with flouresent orange hair!

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