
A question for people who have been to both Europe and the United States...?

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Was it difficult learning how to drive on the opposite side of the road, and the steering wheel being on the other side?????

and funny stories about messing up??

I was thinking i would have a horrible time over there!!my driving sucks already





  1. No, not difficult except that learning to shift gears left-handed was a bit of a grind (ha!).  I'd advise getting an automatic transmission rather than the manual transmission I got.

    Also, the traffic circles in England are interesting.  I found one in which traffic on the inner circle goes one way while traffic in the outer circle goes the other way!  Works, but requires some getting used to.

  2. oh so the steering wheel is on the other side while the other car things are to the other side. i didnt kknow. i didnt know they drove on the opposite site. im gonna post a question abuout this

  3. I'm from the UK and although haven't driven in the USA, I have driven in countries in Europe where they drive on the right. It's not too bad, you have the odd whitey when you think omg I'm on the wrong side of the road, but you get over it. On the other hand, I have an American friend from Maine who now lives over here, and she keeps failing her driving test because she can't get her head around all the different names for  roads (eg freeway vs motorway, highway vs dual carriageway, pedestrian crossing vs crosswalk). I know for her that is the most difficult part of driving iin the UK.

  4. All of Europe drives on the right side of the road, and only the UK drives on the opposite.  

  5. They do not drive on the opposite side everywhere in Europe. I believe it is only in the United kingdom. Please forgive me if I am wrong about that. i have been to Spain and Portugal and they drive on the same side as North Americans.

    But the people I know who have driven on the opposite side tell me they never had many problems. They adapted pretty quickly!

    Good Luck!

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