I've been studying special relativity for awhile now, and I had this interesting thought on the 'speed limit' of the universe, a.k.a c.
First and foremost we all need to realize that special relativity and the equations for relativistic transformations are all based on the fact that WE CAN observe a given object.
Next we have to realize, for something to be observable, it needs to have something reflecting off of it i.e. light, information (light being the fastest thing that reflects)etc. If you need to, imagine yourself in a pitch black room, you obviously can't observe any movements in given objects.
Now let's take the time transformation equation, t' = tγ. Upon velocity approaching c, the observer's time will approach infinity.
Now I will present to you my conjecture:
The theory that states nothing with a rest mass greater 0 can travel at or greater than c is partially false. Yes, an observer will NEVER observe something traveling at or faster than c through the fact that nothing is reflecting off of the object. The observer won't see the object until it slows down enough to reflect light, but just because it can't be observed, doesn't mean it's not possible. Furthermore, it is possible to travel faster than c, but when you reach c, you become unobservable.
To add to my argument, take the equation e = γmc^2. This is one of prime reasons for which the speed limit of c was set. At first glance it makes sense, something that approaches the speed of c, would require more and more energy, and obtaining c would require infinite energy. But the key thing people are missing is that γm is a relativistic transformation of m, meaning it only applies when observing something else's mass in accordance with its velocity. And thus doesn't pertain to an object's observation of itself. (or that's at least what I'm suggesting is wrong with SR)