
A question for someone who has seen/experienced REAL magick???

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How do you explain it? Do you think one day science will be able to explain this phenomenon?




  1. someday science will claim to explain everything. the question is: will people choose to believe it.

    many things have already been explained through science and still people think the ones who found the answers were crazy and they shun them.

  2. yes i have once i saw this guy called Maginie the Magneficent make a elephant dissapear. i believe that science is magic

  3. it isn't really magic but one time i predicted the London bombings

    [i was joking at the time] then two weeks later it happened this did actually happen to me!! I'm not lying!!!!

  4. I saw real magick once.  The results were tragick.

  5. Magick... well that is a long complex issue. First off to understand if magick is real I think depends on what you consider it to be in the first place. Real magick is not like anything you see off charmed, buffy, angel, harry potter or anything like that. It'd be cool if it was, but magick just is not like that.

    To me magick really isn't very magickal. All it is, is change. Yes thats a pretty vague answer so let me explain what I mean. By change I mean by will of intent and an intent that affects a subtle level some may call a microcosm. These changes ripple out from the magician and produce larger affects on the macrocosmic level.

    The skill of the magician is in knowing what subtle changes create specific affects. If you're trying to skip a rock on a lake and blind fold yourself, then spin in circles and toss a rock at random, odds are you won't even hit the lake. Likewise a magician doesn't just say a few acrane incantations, wave a wand and presto things happen. Rather the magician considers the goal that is desired mandane options that can be done to abtain it, and the appropriate form magick necessary (ie alchemy, incantations, spirit or energy work), if at all.

    The other key factor is purity of intent. That is to say that the magician knows and understands him/herself well enough to know that what they want, is what they really want. False intentions mean that the magician may get or cause something they didn't ask for. Hence magick used wisely is not done out of emotions alone. Magick done out of anger or lust often cause things to happen that were not desired.

    Finally the magician uses magick with the knowledge that something will happen. If you cast a spell, you do it knowing that it will cause something to happen. It'll have an affect.

    Will science be able to explain magick? Again that depends on how you define it in the first place. In my opinion I don't think science really needs to explain it. If it works, it works and if not, then it doesn't.

  6. I explain it by saying we, as humans, do not see the potential for certain events that happen so call it magic while, all along, these events were very possible and sometimes probable...

    Science is many times a human affectation...

  7. I think that magic is a lot like positive thinking. What you truly want and believe you will see manifest.

  8. i hope that science never discovers the answers for all things unexplained. we will all lose our imagination and sense of wonderment at all that is unexplainable.

  9. First of all, if it weren't for science, we wouldn't have cars, hospitals, clingfilm, polystyreen cups, the internet or

    I do think one day science will be able to explain paranormal phenomena. Whether we would be able to fit the explanation in today's theories I don't know.

  10. Majik was once science then we forgot what it did - built the Pyramids for example - once again science will find solutions and show understandings that you and I will find truly surprising.

    People in Papua New Guinea thought the airplane was magic only sixty years ago. Now they have one of thier own airlines with women pilots galore.  Cool Hey?!

  11. science is dumb look at what science has done to our world now pollution hunger....we dont need to see the freaking moon we dont ned to know how to make bombs! its all dumb!

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