
A question for the Potheads and non pot smokers?

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If you think pot is 100% safe then would you let someone babysit your toddler if they were high? Its 100% safe so why should you be worried?*sarcasm*

Opium, poison ivy, and coca leaves are 100% natural but it doesn't stop them from being a hardcore drug.

Just because pot is "less" harmful that cigarette and alcohol doesn't mean it is a good thing. Rape is no where nearly as bad as genocide but it doesn't mean that it is a ligitimate excuse to rape as many women until my heart is content.

Since potheads have a hard time with memory I will post the question again.

Would you let someone take care of your toddler if they wre high?

If you don't have kids then pretend you do.

My response: I certainly would not!! Only a irresponsible parent would!




  1. Not in a million years.  And I agree with the 1st answerer, we need to get rid of people who act unreasonably.  Unfortunitely, that would mean removing more than 2/3 or the world's population.

  2. I'm not exactly sure what you're meaning when you reference pot as being 100% safe, but I don't have a problem with people who use it, nor do I have a problem with people who drink.  I drink from time to time myself, but I wouldn't want someone who's drunk baby-sitting my children.  That's just common sense.

  3. is it harmful? sure. but definitely not to the same extent as other legal drugs. It's only fair to either legalize marijuana or outlaw alcohol, tobacco, and most allergy medicines. That's what would be the logical conclusion to your arguments with your moral absolutism.

    It's not legal because there are no powerful marijuana lobbyists in Washington. Also, if it was legal to transport across national boarders, we'd loose a lot of our fake excuses to invade Latin American countries.

  4. I would not let a babysitter of legal drinking age get drunk while they babysit my child either. But that is perfectly legal. I personally believe that  the legality of pot has less to do with the harmful effects and more to do with the difficulty of the government taxing it.

    And no I don't smoke pot or drink for that matter.

  5. Of couse not.   Weed is bad because it makes people act unreasonably.  We need to get rid of things that cause people to be unreasonable. It is hard to maintain a society when half of the people are high on drugs, and are stubborn to their tainted global views and ideals (e.g. Many liberals around large cities)

  6. i have too many friends who smoke weed.  i still enjoy their company, but i do not endorse those activities.  it's not even that i'm so against it because i think it's dangerous and hrmful.  i do, but that's not the main reason doing weed, smoking cigs, abusing alcohol/other drugs is unapplealing and lame to me.  i see indulging in such activities as a sign of weakness, a sign of caving in.  why would anyone want to put themselves out of their element and out of control of their own actions?  just becuas everyone else is?  because it's cool?  thinking that way makes you weak to me because only someone with an immature mind would find such answers logical.  and anyone who says they smoke weed just for fun, just because they want to... yeah, i really doubt they sit around by themselves smoking weed cuz it's fun.  they do it with their friends just because everyone else is.  it's really pathetic.

  7. I live in a state where MJ is legal for medicinal use. MJ is a fantastic pain killer, just ask the cancer patients. It has even been shown to cure brain cancer in 12 of 14 lab mice and significantly reduced the tumors in the others.  I  am as stoned as it gets right now and I take great care of my kids. If U saw us on the street, U would never guess that I smoke pot.  Smoking pot only makes U stupid if U already were stupid before U started.  

  8. I wouldn't let anyone that wasn't family watch my toddler, if I had one. Would you ask your babysitter what prescription medicine they were using? Drugs per scribed by a physician are responsible for far more problems then pot and pot has been used to help a wide range of ailments and illnesses for two thousand years. I'm not saying that pot should be used by everybody, most people would be better off if they never  used, but it's so far down the list of things to be worried about  having a real negative effect on peoples daily lives that the amount of time and energy, financial resources, law enforcement, court time and space and government attention to make it appear all common sense and reason has been abandoned. Never in the history of man has marijuana been listed as the main factor in someones death. Spend some time with cancer patients and their doctors and nurses in a hospital cancer ward. Don't just dismiss marijuana and it's benefits because of government propaganda.Pain pills have been a problem for people from Johnny Cash, Betty Ford, Rush Limbaugh, Brett Farve, to housewife's and policemen and they push all kinds of drugs on TV, day and night. So it's not using drugs or public safety that brings out all the crazy anti-pot screeching instead of a honest discussion. Nobody should ever have to spend even a minute locked up with pot being the reason.

  9. I wont lie, I'm fairly impartial on the Pot debate.

    I went through a phase where I thought people who smoked pot, or anything for that matter, were terrible people.  I later went through a phase where I thought it was cool, and even tried it a couple times myself.

    At this point in my life, I've realized that I do not care what other people are doing, as long as it's not adversely affecting anyone else.  I think people can certainly smoke pot, as long as they're not driving or doing else that would put them in a position to harm other people.  In that same respect, while I think people can smoke pot if they want to, I would not let that person babysit my child.

    So to summarize, my side is, do what you want as long as it does not affect other people.

    You also have to realize that a lot of people who smoke pot and insist it's safe would babysit their own children while high (don't mean to be rude, it's just the truth)-- so this question might not really strike them with some revelation.

  10. I am not against people smoking pot or drinking on their own, with no responsibility, children or otherwise.  However, when you are in charge of the care and life of a child, I don't think being stoned or drunk is fair or safe for the child.

    I used to be a huge pothead, I was stoned for like 6 years solid(clean 9 years), and I would never leave my child with someone who I knew was going to drink or smoke.  I would value my baby too much to risk it.  I quit all that stuff well before I decided to have a baby, so why would I trust someone else who was using with the most important thing that ever happened to me?

    Not to mention that if they get in trouble while they have your baby, you lose your baby to child services, my state views it as neglect to leave your child in the care of an inebriated person.

  11. well then don't let a stoner babysit your kid.

    i smoke weed. no big deal to me, it's just passing time, and having fun.

    i don't see why you just started ranting.

    obviously people aren't going to hire stoners to watch their kids.  

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