
A question for the guys...girls can answer too. Hair length?

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Which do you prefer: girls with long hair or girls with short hair? Do you consider a girl with longer hair more beautiful or attractive? I'm not hating on those with short hair. I think it's really cute. But I want to know which guys prefer.




  1. It depends on the girl. On some it looks creepy.

    On others - it's super hot.

  2. Honestly, most guys will not notice or take deep thought into detail.  The main thing guys notice are:  Personality and, well, I hate to be so black and white but..if you're fat or ugly.  That's pretty much it.  Also if you smell good or not.  

  3. i dont really care that much, i think there's a lot of other things besides hair length that determines whether a girl is a attractive or not (in my eyes), but i dont like when girls wear their hair really short, but thats just me

  4. girls with short hair look like lesbians  

  5. over all of how the girl looks is not everthing

  6. I like the short-n-curlies

  7. long hair ftw!!!

    answer mine *guys only*;...

  8. longer hair definately

  9. Long hair is way better in my eyes  but sometimes you see girls pull off the short hair and it looks pretty hot.

  10. no guy cares aboot hair, **** **** ****! TTIIITTTSSS!!!!!!!!!

  11. I'm a personality kind of guy. The more you fall for a woman's personality the more she becomes physically attractive, meaning that hair length is really irrelevant.

    But, if I had to choose I'd say short, but that's 'cause I like punk rock girls.

  12. nope, all depends on the girl herself and how the hair looks on her  

  13. Ive always thought a woman looks much prettier with long hair. There are very few women I have seen with long hair that got it cut and I thought they looked better.  

  14. i generally prefer girls with long hair ( you cant really go wrong ) but for some girls ( like rihanna ) it really suits them, so it depends

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