
A question for the other woman or the other man--Did you think of the consequences you could face later on?

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To be the other man or the other woman is most likely a tough one to admit. But, there are consequences you face. Did your relationship ultimately ruin a marriage, a family? Did you eventually marry that person? Were you jealous of that person's spouse? Did your heart get broken?




  1. i dated this guy who had a very young child a pregnant wife and when I found out i dump him.  i found out where his family was and there # but for some reason i just couldn't tell that poor woman what was going on i feel horrible about that i did find her on myspace and it said single so i just let it be.

    I think most other men and women don't know.  but the ones that do are pathetic people

  2. No.  I was a big dummy went out with a man and knew virtually nothing about him, I never really though too much about this all.  Until later on found out-but did I actually feel bad?  Well a little bit to be honest, but I also felt bad for myself for not paying more attention.  Lesson learned.  

  3. karma is a b*tch.when i 1st. started to date my ex. she & her common law man had be separated for about 6 months,at the time i did not factor that in.long story short,we lived together for 5 years,got married ( 10 years) so together 15 years.she decided that she needed some time and space apart,well bite me on the butt if another guy did the same thing that i had done.but i at least waited for 6 months before we started dating,he as well as her showed zero respect for marriage vows and committed adultery in less than a month of our separation.common law or marriage still deserve the same respect,so do watch what you do,remember it could turn around and happen to you.

  4. You have to remember that in most cases, the other woman is being used to provide what the wife is lacking. He really knows he cant have her but she makes him feel wanted when some woman take their man for granted. Even though it is not right to have an affair its also not right to neglect the needs of your man. always look good, dont let urself go, attend to your children, work or go to school (more knowlegde more power) make dinner , clean... Being a wife is a hard job but it was a choice that became an obligation then a responsiblity... And no one should ever neglect thier responsibilities...  

  5. I think the people who are "the other woman/man" are either very young or very insecure. They rationalize sleeping with another person's spouse with "their wife didn't take care of their needs" or "We were emotionally involved when I found out" to try and make it okay in their head that they helped another commit adultery. For me I was never the other woman. I watched for red flags. If he didn't have enough time for just me and had funny excuses then I was out. I would never have such little self respect to sleep with a married man. No matter what line of bull he fed me about his wife not giving him s*x. It is called communication man. Learn to talk to your wife.  

  6. When I was younger and horny I used to make a habit out of dating married women.

    What I learned was EVERY relationship is the same regardless of married or not.  People choose to stay in a relationship every day and decide to end a relationship for any reason.

    The s*x I was having was in truth only and indicator of how far removed the couple had become from each other.

    Whether their relationship lasted or ended was not my decision it was their's.

    Each of us is responsible for our own happiness and each of us have the freedom to choose whom we share our happiness with.

  7. When I was about 20, I started having a NSA relationship with a married woman. I never bothered to look at her finger, so at first I didn't know. She was about 31 and didn't have any kids yet. After awhile, I was emotionally attached but we both knew it was only about the s*x. It was hard to end the relationship but I had to do it or else I'd be too attached. Now that I married, I feel bad for the guy whose wife I slept with. What can I say.. I was young and wreckless.

  8. No, i didn't think about it. I was young & dumb, only living in the moment of that time, I didn't care if they had a g/f or even if he was married. Believe me I've been the other women many times, my reason was it that I enjoyed the s*x which was incredible, being so secretive was an adventure such as meeting & staying in hotels & being pampered from time to time. There was a few I didn't think about it, another one that the wife found out that ended in a divorce, I left him. The last one I had finally got my heart broken because I was emotionally attached but he wasn't just the s*x & it was unusal because I got jealous too because he had a g/f which I knew he had. Anyways, Karma happens.

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