
A question for the "African American" community...?

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I am only a half black man myself but don't you think it's kind of an insult to ourselves when we say, "Ohh she has good hair" or stuff like that? That has been said to me before and I don't like the term "good hair" i'm like WTF?!? I was wondering what other Black people have to say about the topic.




  1. You i  hear that alot ..but uh i guess society think natural african american hair isn't pretty or acceptable....the "whiter" you can be the better

    so like the better texture of your hair the better

    sad but true

  2. It's hard to believe some people are still hung up on that mess...but then you read about some Glamour Magazine editor telling a major law firm in NYC how black women's hair is "too political" and then you get it that like it or not hair for some people is STILL an issue! It will be a glorious day indeed when we as a nation can get past all this craziness about looks, and not have people making lame comments that implies that every black person is plotting "revolution" whenever they choose to wear natural hair or that theyr'e somehow "ashamed of their race" if they choose to relax it.  ALL hair is "good hair."

    I think the song "I am not my hair" by India.Arie should be required listening to for everyone...the message in it is the right one. We're so much more than just our hair.

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