
A question for the writers...?

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When you come about a bit of writer's block, what do you find is the best strategy to get back on track, clear your mind and get back to writing?




  1. i find that when you lay in bed before you go to sleep that is the best time to think about your book and it helps! all writers block is is a block in your mind that only you can figure out. So all you have to do is think about your book when your in bed, no distractions, no noise, no nothing except you and thoughts of your novel.

    Good Luck

  2. Exercise or music.

    Sometimes both. :)

    It always helps just to get away from the notebook/computer/wherever the story is for a while, no matter the activity, though.

  3. Get away from the computer from fifteen minutes. Relax. Listen to music. Read. Exercise. Take a shower. Then, get back to your writing, and it'll come better.


  4. NEVER SAY YOU HAVE WRITERS' BLOCK!!!!! you start to believe it and then you lose interest in what your writing.I go for a walk or go to the park and sometimes I just leave it alone for a few days. I don't worry about writing everyday because the best ideas come when I least expect it -normally when I don't have a pen to write it down. If you become frustrated with it just take a break and get your mind off of it. The best ideas come when your doing something else.


  5. I go outside, sit in a park and read something other than a book, like a magazine. Then I go back home and drink some strong coffee and I am like new. But I only do this when I happen to experience quite a bit of "block".

  6. When I experience writer's block, I usually tear myself away from the computer for awhile, grab my jacket, and take a walk in the nearby park. It clears my thoughts, and watching people can help me get some inspiration. When I get home, I make myself a cup of coffee and read some books, for more inspiration. Sometimes the best ideas just pop in your head, triggered at some point.

  7. whatever you do, don't think about what your writing about. do something totally different and then an idea will just pop into your head.

  8. Pump up the music! Dance to it! Feel the beat, and get a jump on that writing!

  9. Everything? I like listening to music, and reading. OR both. That really helps.

  10. the times when i write and i have a ton of ideas, or random thoughts, or quirky statements, i write those down. then when i'm having a block, i choose some of the phrases that i already have, and incorporate them with what i'm already writing, or sometimes just do a small side piece.

  11. i just wait until it unblocks. actually, if i remember a dream, the odds are, i am out of the block, and thoughts are up again

  12. These work for me, so maybe they'll work for you. If your not trapped to deeply into the writer fungus, rereading your previous work can be really helpful. If that doesn't do the trick, and sometimes, no it dosen't, pull out your notes about your plot, look at the major points of it, pull up a word pad and try to give those points alternate endings to see if that will give you a new spark.

    Also, analyze your characters, trying pull out some music you think that person would listen to. Listen to it, ingest it, then do a free write. See if that helps you pull out anything.  Look at their fears, goals and other interesting details you might have given them, ask yourself how they got them. Why do they have them? If it doesn't play a key in your story, see if there's a way (May be a small way) that they may fit in. That could give you a charge as well.

    Reread your favorite books. There isn't any harm in that. Look at your favorite parts and ask yourself, why are they my favorite?

    Sometimes I have to pull out another project and work on it for a bit, at times that helps give me ideas. If all else fails, pull out your writing program, your notebook or what have you and just write until you find yourself. The first several paragraphs may be idle "My hands hurt, I can't think of anything." But start to imagine scenery, favorite places and start from there. It's ok to have an off day, just as long as you write something, anything. The more you write the more likely you are to hunt down that muse that's playing hooky on you.

  13. No, get some fresh air and don't panic and get back to work.

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