
A question for those who believe in abortion and that the life in the womb is not human?

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Is it okay to take a fertilized egg between a man and a woman and place it in the womb of a dog?

If you say no, then why? If it is not human then it doesn't matter, right?

If you say no because it will become a human then you admit that it has human nature and is alive. If it is human in nature and alive, then we do not have the right to abort it.

If you say it is alright, why is it okay?




  1. as others have stated, a human fetus will not survive being put into a dog, it may not even survive a transfer to another human (ie surrogate mothers, sometimes it takes more than one procedure to, how to put it, make the pregnancy stick?)

    no person WANTS to have an's just one of the many imperfect acts that happen in our so so very far from perfect world.

    lets stop focusing on abortion, lets focus on stopping unwanted pregnancies!!!! If there was no unwanted pregnancies, there would be no need for abortion. Pregnancy can be prevented.

    Maybe we should start making people get licenses to have s*x? LOL, I'm kidding, sort of.....

  2. It's fine, if you're purely doing it from a scientific point of view.  If you do it to merely see how much pain and suffering the dog would go through, then that's wrong, almost as wrong as PETA's hypocrisy.

  3. Well, it won't live inside a dog. Dogs have a very developed immune system, it will most probably just attack alien cells and kill the fetus anyway, with discomfort to the dog.

    And no, a fetus is human (made out of human cells) but it's not A human. Just like your finger is not a human.

  4. What, exactly, would be the purpose of putting a fertilized egg into the womb of a dog?  Why, exactly would that even be an issue?

    Get an education, then come back and discuss this issue.

    I refuse to debate with idiots.

  5. I wouldn't put it in the dog because the dog would needlessly be put into a surgery that would serve no purpose.

    As for the embryo, it would not develop inside a dog, so if it's not going to develop, why bother getting the dog involved at all?

    Essentially, you're asking, "Is it all right to perform an abortion?" and follow it up by putting the embryo in a dog.  It's like me asking a pro-lifer whether it's OK to use a dog as a surrogate mother.  

  6. Why is it always someone without a uterus that picks on abortion rights?  

  7. I hate abortion too

    but you Xtians/god worshipers have a bad habit of enforcing you religious ways onto others


    "g**s can't get married because your god said it's wrong"

    "your religion is wrong, so just join mine"

    "You can't have an abortion because my religion says no"

    etc, etc, etc.

    How will you feel if you was forced to obey other people's religious laws?

  8. Your question suggests that you are very young and that though you claim to be Christian you have some really weird unchristian scenarios in your thinking.

    If you cannot answer the question you ask yourself then you obviously recognize that you need non Christian help on matters of morals!!

    But then you probably already recognize that atheists are better able to answer such questions!!

    Science has shown atheists have a higher intelligence than people with a strong religious faith. The difference is 5.8 points according to findings in developmental psychology!!!    

    More members of the "intellectual elite" considered themselves atheists than the national average.

    Only 7 percent of members of the American National Academy of Sciences believed in God. Whilst only 3.3 percent believed in God in the UK’s Royal Society.

    Several Gallup poll studies of the general population have shown that those with higher IQ’s tend not to believe in God."

    Evolution in action with Christians getting left behind like the monkeys and apes before them!!!

  9. Well dear, your argument is completely illogical anyway since a human embryo would never survive inside a canine womb.  It's a totally different environment, and a hostile one to any embryo that isn't canine at that.  The dog's body would see it as an intruder and destroy it, assuming it even survives the otherall hostile and acidic environment of the canine uterus.

    BUT assuming that your argument does have any sound basis and what you propose is scientifically, medically, and biologically possible, then my answer is:  Stranger things have happened, so why not?  Oh, but then we would have to get around the tricky problem being that carrying the developing embryo would probably end up killing the dog.  I don't even want to imagine what trying to give birth to it would result in.  Would you do that to a poor defenseless dog just to satisfy your curiousity and validate your arguement?  Sanctity of life indeed.

    And just because it is "alive" does not mean it is human.  It's a bunch of living cells.  All cells are alive.  It doesn't mean a thing.

  10. Well that would be a rather ellaborate method of killing a fertilised egg but sure, a fertilised egg is hardly a human being.  It isn't capable of anything except dividing.  Cancer cells can do that, do you consider them to be human?  HeLa cells were taken from a lady's cervical cancer roughly 80 years ago, are they human?  Are organs considered human in your eyes?

  11. NO because it's disgusting.

    it's not YET a human, calm down, see a movie.

  12. um. No one said that life in the womb isn't human.

    As far as I'm concerned, human sperm plus human egg doesn't make manbearpig.

  13. who believes its not human?

    what else would it be?

    its not a self sustaining human

    but its still a human

    any woman and man have the rights to abort any baby they do not want

    and no one else has any rights to force them to have it, not you, nor i,  nor any law

    it is "okay" as you put it because its their life, not yours

    their life is affected by this baby being born, not yours

    i do not think abortion is ok, i think it is the right of each person to choose

  14. a human fetus is a human being in every sense of the word.  

    Mankind calls it anything  but human to hide their sin.  But they will not hide the sin forever no matter what they call it.  God's Holy Word tells us that "to be sure your sins will find you out"  and someday their knees will bow and they will call on the name of God - whether they believe it now or not.  But it will be too late and their sins will be exposed to them before they are cast into eternal h**l.

    But all sin has been forgiven if we will just accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.  confess your sins, believe that Jesus died to redeem all and Ask for forgiveness.  It's that simple

  15. An unknown stranger in the next town is human. Should I be required by law to lose work and put my health in danger to provide him with a kidney to save his life?

    An embryo is human.  Should I be required to lose work and put my health in danger to save it's life?

    I can choose to do these things.  I should not be compelled to do these things.  And neither should you.

  16. Actually  They'd probably say it was ok, simply because they believe it isn't human

    I find it funny that they don't say it's human until they see the baby actually forming into the shape of a human

    once an egg is fertilized it is human, it's just a matter of growing. I don't see why anyone that knows science would say it isn't human, when in the books we read it says "the EARLY stages of human development"

  17. As Heeere's JOHNNY said, birth control also kills embryos.  Are you proposing to make the pill and IUD's illegal as well?  That is what would be required for consistency in your belief system.  You would not only forbid women the right to terminate a pregnancy, you would insist that they become pregnant!  I don't believe any pro-choice person has ever said an embryo was not human.  Find some women who have had abortions and talk to them.  Don't just listen to the propaganda you have been taught by people who have never been faced with the problems that cause some women to seek abortions.

  18. Its not that i think its not "human", its because I think the woman who it affects is human, and not just an incubator for a fetus.

  19. Because it would certainly kill the foetus, I almost spelt it doetus then and I had a thought, it really wouldnt matter if I did spell it like that because you dont have a clue really being a bloke and a christian.

  20. technically masturbation and birth control is also murder as you kill the sperm and the egg.

    But who cares, it feels good :)

  21. If you put a fertilized human egg into a dog, the dog would die because it's uterus cannot hold a human baby.

    A fertilized egg is just as alive as a cancer tumor.  

  22. I am very much against abortion, but I have to say this is probably one of the worst arguments I've ever heard.  Sorry.

  23. It is human. I just don't care if you kill something that hasn't gained conciousness yet.

    If we were marsupials I would be against abortion. But human zygotes are pretty useless until they're very late in development.

  24. If you implant a woman's fertilized egg in a dog it would not develop into a  human. Your argument is pathetic and ridiculous. I bet you got it at your last meeting to discuss shooting abortion doctors.

  25. my problem is not with abortion, is with the time that is allowed to have an abortion!

    Did you know that 80% of babies born at 24weeks have a big chance of survival? and yet people are allowed to abort babies upto 24 weeks!

    Im all for a womans choice and all, but 24weeks is wrong and disturbing!

    I think it should be lowerd to around 10-12 weeks!

  26. deep down, 99.99% pro choicers know it is a human being from moment of conception.

    It just happens to be a human being they care nothing about.

  27. Your first responder hit it on the head...but I'm going to add that this has to be the worst argument I've ever heard concerning the abortion debate...

  28. it wouldn't survive in a dog, if it could then great!

    The birth of Dog Boy! A boy but with the uncanny ability to l**k his own bum!

  29. No one denies that a human embryo or fetus is a potential human. We deny that they are viable human life outside of the womb.

    The potential life of an embryo or fetus that may not live to term does not compare to the actual life of a human female adult. Having an abortion is always the option of last resort. Having access to a safe and medically supervised procedure saves the lives of adult women and mothers.

    The lives of these women and their living children are more important than the life of an embryo or non-viable fetus. That's why it's ok.  A better way to reduce abortion would be to educate young people about the responsibility of having unprotected s*x and to promote a society where men don't feel the need to rape or commit incest.

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