
A question for those who believe that the Catholic Church is The W---- of Babylon?.?

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Why do believe this, I have seen this statement many times without foundation.

The Catholic Church has been around for Two thousand years and compiled the Bible, which in turn after the reformation Bibles were compiled based on the original even until today. The Catholic Church preaches and teaches the Message of Christ. Rejects Satan, so if this was true why would the Church teach and bring Christianity throughout the world 'with the message of Jesus'.

So my question is why do you equate the Catholic Church to the W----- of Babylon?.

Thank you for you replies!.




  1. Although I DO NOT agree that the Catholic Church is to be called by that title, I wanted to give my two cents on WHY it might have been given that name.

    Many who are opposed to the Catholic Church see it as a deviation of what the teachings of Christ really were. The fact that councils were held to decide what writings to include in the Bible would leave one to believe that they didn't agree on what was right. How could a church say it has the word of God if they had to hold a vote on what it was?

    The Catholic church, in spite of some dark blemishes, has been a primary force in bringing Christianity to much of the world and in preserving the scriptures. Many respect that and praise the Catholics for their contributions to spreading the Gospel message to millions.

    Now, the Book of Mormon speaks specifically of Satan's efforts to destroy the truth and the church of Christ and calls those efforts "the w***e of all the earth" which led to the Apostasy, the loss of authority in the early church and the corruption of its doctrines. The Catholic church has many remnants of the original Gospel after all that loss occurred. That doesn't make them the w***e of all the earth, anymore than someone living in a damaged building that has been bombed by an enemy is the one to blame for the bombing.

    The w***e of all the earth, the forces of Satan, can include anyone who fights against Christ, corrupts the truth, enslaves and tortures other humans, and so forth. At various times in history, that could have included evil people who rose to power in religion and politics, but it does not do to blame an entire religion or church for the evil actions of scattered individuals.

  2. Simply because the Roman Catholic Church preaches and teaches a false gospel to turn men after itself.

    It is God Who has given us His word and preserves it to all generations which He is well able to do since despite your claim that the Roman Catholic Church complied the Bible it is that very Bible, God's word, that shows that it teaches and preaches a false gospel!

    That Bible reveals the Roman Catholic Church as the spirit of error and teaches that the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God and that understanding is given from God and not from man.

    The Bible teaches the authority of the Apostles, which the Roman Catholic Church denies and usurps and the Bible gives no other authority to any.

    It teaches that the church is built only upon the Apostles and Prophets with Christ Jesus the chief cornerstone and that God's people know and hold only to Him. The w***e turns men to follow after her and claims to be God's church.

    The Bible teaches that only by revelation from God can any know God and the truth of His gospel. The w***e seduces men by its own system and allurements.

    How true the Bible is for the Roman Catholic Church has the Bible but is shown by the Bible to be lacking God's Spirit and working against God.

    It is the Bible that sets men free from the oppressive and false control of the Roman Catholic Church and from its pernicious teachings and deceits which it uses to gain followers after tself.

    No wonder the Roman Catholic Church banned and prohibited the Bible for hundreds of years and murdered those who held to it, burning them to death.

    Even today it claims allegiance to those who murdered God's people by its claims of 'being around for two thousand years' and so witnesses against itself.

    What a w***e, what a murderous w***e it is, exactly as the Bible portrays it.

  3. I question a religion that a person  bows and crosses himself in front of a wafer whom they believe to be the actual body of Christ.  Who put all of their trust in a pope,(who by the way is no better spiritually than anyone else) to translate and decide spiritual matters for you  instead of taking the matter to God the Father and letting the Holy Spirit guide you.  A religion who must take  all l sacraments in order to have good standing with the church , who confesses to a priest, instead of taking prayer directly to our Father in heaven, Who communes with dead people in order to get extra attention from God ....Who puts Mary on a pedestal,  she was nothing more than a chosen vessel for our Christ to be born of.  All of this is idolatry..nothing more.

  4. Everyone is exactly where they should be; if they are Catholic that's fine.  What ever people believe is right for them.  When its not they find what suits them.  All paths lead to what we call God.

    I was born Coe  but found it difficult to relate Jesus with the Dogma of Christian Churches everywhere.

    Personally I think Jesus and his inclusive teachings are better understood and appreciated by other faiths.

    So your question which invites negatives is not helpful to anyone imo. You do not use the negative word in your question so you are aware of possible un holy replies.

    If you are questioning your own beliefs I would say go within and ask in your quiet moments the God in your heart and you will be guided.

  5. I have not heard it put that way, but I belong to a Baptist Church and they are so bad to put down Catholics, then they follow up with the statement 'of course many denominations will be in Heaven, not just Baptists'. Every practicing Catholic I know loves Jesus with all their heart and their life is dedicated to Him. They are Christians and I love them!!!

  6. I think its because the pope used to be the prince of babylon until only a few hundred years ago. The Catholic church also doesn't believe in the living Jesus, they do believe in jesus but then again so do muslim's and other faiths who aren't christian too.

  7. Rome,and Catholicism is similar to Babylon ie Too much excess in regards to the gold trappings etc,which is un-neccessary to worship God.

  8. They believe everything Jack Chick says.

  9. All other christian faiths...are grandchildren of Catholics

    It was the Catholic church that spread Christianity throughout the world

    with all its coloured past, and those other christian domination's

    that mock or insult the catholics in their Temples  are not [Christians]

    Do you think the Catholics would preach hate in their church, against the Baptist and Mormons or J.W etc......NO because catholics want unification in all christian faiths, and because....Jesus would not tolerate it

  10. I totally agree with you, my sister. They are so far from the truth

    Being a Catholic means following Jesus Christ. We trust in Jesus as the "Christ," the Messiah, the one chosen by God to save us. We also believe that Jesus was God come down from heaven who "became flesh and made his dwelling among us" (John 1:14).

  11. Tell me what 'W----' stands for and I will try to make sense of your question.

  12. My best answer to you is to ask the Lord Jesus in your prayers.

    After all Jesus is the truth, the way & the life (John 14:6)

    Ask Him to reveal the real TRUTH to you whether the Roman Catholic is or isn't the w***e of Babylon. He will if your heart is open and earnestly seeking.

  13. I thought that was Madonna. Didn't she have a world tour called the Great w***e of Babylon tour?

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