
A question for those who definately believe that we are not alone in the Universe???

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If someone could somehow give us absolute proof that we are the only sentient beings in the entire Universe how would that change the way you look at life? Would the way you think about life, the world around us, etc change at all? Do you think that this would make the idea of God seem less probable or more probable?

NOTE: Please don't be stupid and post an answer like this; "We are definately not alone in the Universe. The Universe is just too big not to have other forms of life. Ya da ya da ya da ya da ya da...."

I am asking IF someone could proove that we are alone....




  1. If it were proven that H. sapiens sapiens were the only God-believing species in the Universe (cats believe they're god), imo it would make the idea of God more probable in the sense of "special creation."

    More intelligent species would tend simply to maintain the current value placed on God as Universal Creator, not make less probable the idea of God.  "More species" does not logically diminish the Creator God idea.

    "Galaxy Gate," Colton and Murro,

    "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce?", Free and Wilcock,

  2. we are living in different dimensions, we exist only in god mind, we are illusion. When we think like that so everything will be possible, when you think about something you created it directly, so each imagination cause creation when god think he create he delete he destroy all this universe exist in god mind, the man is created in the figure of god it mean that we can create also in our mind when we imagine about something it will be created at the same time.

    god create, we create.

    we are not alone in this universe and this universe doesn't exist in reality...

  3. It would certainly make the world a little bit more dull. And I think I'd have a little less hope...I mean I want there to be something more itelligent or caring then us stupid ignorant humans in this universe. Y'know?

  4. There is no proof either way. Where does the existence of God come in here. In matters of faith, you can not apply the modern standard of proof. It is a gut feeling and an awareness through your inner consciousness that will guide to the existence of God. There are many in the past who had realised the presence of God and I have no reason to disbelieve their account.

  5. Nobody can prove this...nor can they prove that we are NOT alone. I personally believe that we are alone, that there is nothing out there, but I can't prove it. Wish I could, though.

  6. Hopefully such a proof would smarten up a lot people and make them realise that there is no-one else out there to help us - if worst comes to worst. Hence, it is up to us alone to keep ourselves out of serious trouble.

  7. Nobody can prove this.

  8. one estimate states there are approximately an average 25,000 light years between intelligent species throughout the universe meaning that at our present life spans and even if we invented a method of travel of light speed we'd need to live and breeed on a spaceship for 6 times the length of recorded history befroe we could meet them.

    this estimate chages nothing of what i think about "God " i still think no commonly held definition for "God" comes anywhere close to describing what it attempts to. so miserable are all the failures that the word "God" will never recover - the religious have broken it!

  9. It would not change. I cannot at the moment see any implications alien beings will have on my personal beliefs and view of life mostly because they are not dependent on the existence or lack of existence of such beings.

    Some religious groups will freak because they believe that God only created life on Earth, but will quickly find a way to cover up what they said before and believe something else (which all the followers will accept) or proclaim them Satan's creatures. Most religions, though, can easily adapt to alien life.

  10. not much would change except that sci fi fans would be very disappointed!!

  11. I don't know what life may be out there but to think that we are the only living beings in an infinite universe is very conceited on our parts. I mean a one cell organism on another planet is considered to be life. to me this wouldn't change my life any. it would just give me more knowledge about the universe.

  12. "We are definately not alone in the Universe. The Universe is just too big not to have other forms of life. Ya da ya da ya da ya da ya da...."

  13. There is much evidence that we are not alone but it is suppressed.  Intelligent life on other planets means that the bible must upgraded, and that would weaken the foundation of many religions.

  14. Your question is a conditional-statement: 'IF p, then q'.

    Well, first a nit-pick problem:

    Your question has two interpretations, so I'll answer both.

    1. "If someone could give us proof that we are alone in the universe, would that ...."

    Well, someone could give us proof - they  [could] - but will they? Will the proof be sound? For instance, IF I asserted 'Gremlins in my computer' and you asked for my proof, and I showed you a drawing of gremlins in my computer, that would be 'proof' of gremlins in my computer, just unsucessful!

    2. " IF someone [did] give us a [sucessful] proof of...."

    That would certainly change how I feel about us - human beings, that is. I would think, actually, that human beings were more of a freak-accident rather than a divine creation. I could go over the formal-reasoning for that, but I won't. In short, if humans are the only sentient creatures, this neither hinders nor helps the theistic position, for the theist holds that 'God exists' is true'. The truth of that proposition is altogether irrelevant to the proposition 'Human being are the only sentient creatures' In fact, it would be interesting to see one succeed with a proof that starts out with the premise 'Human are the only sentient beings' to the conlusion that, therefore, 'God exists'.

    Possible proof (those who accept that God exists, based on the evidence that we are alone):

    (1) Humans are the only sentient beings that exist.

    (2) If humans are the only sentient beings, then God exists.


    C. God exists.

    Sub-proof for (2):

    (2a). IF God did not exist, then nothing could have been created in His image.

    (2a'). If nothing is created in His image, then any sentient-being is just as likely to exist as any other.


    (2a'').IF God did not exist, any sentient-being is just as likely to exist as any other (via Hypothetical-syllogism on (2a and 2b)).


    (1) Humans are the only sentient beings that exist.


    C. God exists (via modus tollens on (1) and (2a'')).

    In any case, we cannot firmly deduce God'e existence in the first proof, as we have to abduce it (that means, we have to 'theorize to best explination'). So, while it might make the existence of God more reasonable believe (and thereby more likely?...), it wouldn't prove God's existence (as abducing is indentical with the formal fallacy 'IF p, then q, q is true, therefore, p is true' - which is the opposite of modus ponens (which guarantees the truth of the conclusion when the premises are true in: IF p, then q. p is true. Therefore, q is true).

    Any way, sorry about all the logic - since the question involved inferences, I felt the need to discuss logic. As logic is the science of implication and inference.

    Hope that helped..!

  15. i don't think it would change much, i might be a little more relieved. (not that i think i will be abducted or anything) if they found proof, i would still believe in god. not sure why...

  16. That's a tough one. It would definately test peoples' beliefs.

  17. another sentient life form discovered in the universe would not change the probability that god would exist. it is neither proof for, nor against. if it was you might as well consider it so because the likelihood that there is sentient life is tremendous.

    however were it proven and discovered, if the method showed also that it would be reasonable to meet and study them, i.e. we could visit them without needing to fly over there for the 500 000 light year trip. so i guess if they showed up here, i would dedicate alot of my life to studying and meeting and communicating with them.

    because any life form that has developed the technology necessary to get themselves all the way to another planet that has life on it, without completely destroying themselves in the process of developing that technology must, it would seem, be much smarter and much more enlightened than us.

    that also means that in all likelihood they would not be malicious since that is primitive behaviour, they would more likely be interested in studying us. much as we are with our animals, except for the ones we eat.

    plus the chance to go off into space visit a different advanced enlightened civilization, learn from them in every aspect of what they have learned, that's huge.

    in that sense my outlook of life would change, the way i would see the world would change , from learning from them.

    but if you just say to me that we have found evidence using the seti program that there are sentient lifeforms a long way away sending out radio waves, then that would be interesting to me but nothing much else would change for me. since there is nothing much i could do about it. it would just be some piece of interesting information. especially since i'm prett ysure somewhere that they already exist, and furthermore the signals we would receive would have come fro mso far away that there would be no way to be certain that that specie still exists. much like whoever might receive our boradcasts will probably receive them once we are all destroyed or sent back to the age of primates.

  18. The Phoenix lights was proof to me.  They sayed they were flares though they looked nothing like flares. In fact I have ruled out every possibility of what the Phoenix lights were except aliens. I believe 100% that they have been hanging around here just as a scientific exploritory mission for thousands of years. I believe in God and obviously He created everything in the universe. Bye the way I believe in evolution too, a process created by God.  The reason we don't have much good footage is that they are keeping a low profile and only come around at night.  But for some reason curiosity got the best of them and they decided they would get a good look at one of our big cities, so they flew over phoenix. They were probably saying "cool those are aliens". No telling what they might look like because they would have evolved according to the conditions on their home planet. You said don't say it but I have to say it. If there are one group of aliens then there must be trillions more.

  19. No i dont think it would change my personal view on my life. Might change the views of the really religious ppl though. It wouldn't affect my view on god at all.

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