
A question for those who had a 'sicky baby'...?

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My son is 8 months old and has always been very sick from day 1, my doctor is rubbish and didn't believe me and patronisingly told me that all babies are sick (which I know, but I know a lot of other women with children and babies who all comment that they've never seen anything like how sick he is - he's sick a bit at least every ten minutes and has a big vomit about once every half hour etc.), my health visitor suggested a few things such as changing his milk to Staydown and other things I could do which haven't worked, so by now I've just kind of resigned myself to it. My question is, anyone else that has been in the same boat and never found a solution for it, at what age did your baby stop being sick naturally? For some reason I've got it into my head that he'll stop once he starts walking, as I can't imagine him still being like this when he's toddling about, but then a few months ago I thought it was certain to have calmed down by now, so I really don't know!




  1. He may have a milk protein intolerance...try soy formula...

    I breastfed my daughter but couldn't get her latched for the first week or two, so she was on formula...she kept throwing up just like your baby is and my mom said maybe she is allergic and needs soy formula...i asked my doctor and he said no its normal, so i kept her on regular formula and she continued to throw up everywhere...eventually i got her latched and breastfed her and noticed that if i ate dairy she would throw up, so she definitely had a milk protein allergy as my mom suggested...

    too many doctors do not take the time to actually check and pass you off as some idiot mother, but you know best...

    hopefully the soy formula works...good luck

  2. My children were never sickly. It sounds like you should take him in to a pediatric specialist or get a referral. Either he has refux or another GI condition or he is allergic to whatever formula you have him on.

    1st thing I would do is put him on a HYPOALLERGENIC formula - like now. NOT JUST SOY (he could be allergic to that too - or if that's what you now give him you know it's not working!)  If that does not work, get him in to see a pediatric gastroenterolgist asap. Something is really wrong and your son is the one who is suffering.

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