
A question for women 18 and over only...?

by  |  earlier

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Do you know that the male biologically does not have the same sensation under the nipple as the female? I have had experiences with women who did not seem to know this.

Thank you very much for answering.




  1. Yeah, I guess I did know that, but it's not really something that I have ever thought about.

    Thanks for making me think about something otherwise completely irrelevant.

  2. I did know that, what's your point

  3. wow interesting

  4. Just because you don't, doesn't mean that many other men don't. What is up with some men and women speaking for the whole gender just because it doesn't feel good for them? I do and apparently from what I have read before, there's a pretty decent percentage of other guys that do too. Yeah some hate it and some love it, but that's a big difference from most hating it and few liking it, which you seem to be implying.

    Why wouldn't there be, there are similar nerve endings for man's as a woman's. Why do you think titty twisters hurt so much and I have heard it hurts men more when getting nipples pieced then women. Certainly sensitivity to pain doesn't mean pelasure will be there, but it shows there are the nerve endings there for sensitivity, that gives the potential, which you could assume for a decent amount of men to have sensations there from the sensitivity of the nipples in a pleasurable way.

  5. No, I did not know this. Thanks very much for this information. I don't know how I will use it, but thanks anyway.

  6. If you are sexually active you know this already.

  7. yes i knew that

  8. I kind of figured it out, the b*****s/nipple area is a very sensitive area.

  9. If he gets them pierced he'll have a lot more sensation in them.

  10. No I did not know this, but then I would see no reason for me to know this as it is truly irrelevant.  =P

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