
A question for women...please helppp?

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I have an appointment with my gynecologist next week for a physical. What is the procedure? Is it really invasive? Also, do I need to shave "that" area....sorry for asking but I'm just really nervous about any advice from you ladies would be helpful. Thanks




  1. hi..

    don't get nervous..u have to clean .

  2. It's really scary I know, but it's not that horrible. You don't have to shave.

    You'll go in and be asked some questions, put your feet in these little stirrup things (my doctor is funny and has little socks on them that say "I hate this!"...You will have a drape thing over you and he/she will insert a kind of cold thing (but it doesn't hurt), so that they can just wipe a q-tip type thing on you and get a pap smear test.

    Then just feel around a little to make sure everything feels okay. And may feel your breast to check for lumps.

    That should be it! It sounds bad...but it will be over before you know it, and it could save your life. It's definitely worth it.

    We're always scared about the unknown. Don't worry. It's just one of those things in life that have to be done.

    Best Wishes and DON'T WORRY :)

  3. I've already gotten the lecture on how hair is a natural barrier against infections and such, so I usually wait until after my appointment to shave.

  4. you dont need to shave that area they are use to anything but if you feel more comfotable trimming it up or shaving it go ahead. Mostly i hear it just feels cold but it doesnt really hurt. good luck :)

  5. its really easy, a bit degrading i feel but so glad i did my first appt, did it a bit late (a year) but i had cervical cancer and they got it before it spread. but what you do, you go in the room, the helper lady will take your presure  and then give you a gown to put on. Then when the doc gets in, he/she will have you lay down and put your feet in the sturrips, and then stick a curved beak insided and open it up, which will open you up so she can see inside...then shes gonna look around, swap the inside w a long q-tip, and probaly feel your stomach and talk about your period, if your sexually active and if your using protection its really easy and I would shave just so she can see lol if its that bad..but if its trimmed then your fine..

  6. It's completely normal to be worried about the first visit!

    As long as you aren't having any problems most gynecologists won't even conduct a vaginal exam. If you do though, there's no need to shave or change anything. Doctors have seen it all, including every different hair "style" possible of that area.

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