
A question for women with depression: Do u ever feel you've gone mad during 'those days'?

by  |  earlier

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I was feeling suicidal this few days, I was having my period which cause me a lot of emotional an health issues .I've posted a few questions about it now those feelings are slowly fading away.

Do you ever get to the point during that time when you feel you've reached the end of the road? yet when its over you feel different and sometimes almost silly?

I have policystic ovarian syndrome which also causes me to have hormonal disorders and makes my depression increase and get blown out of proportion, but if you have similar case, please share

Tell me your stories and let me know that i am not alone.




  1. I have suicidal thought all the time, but they get really, really bad during my period (that's when I start drinking and taking pills even more than usual).  Then afterwords (after the period, I mean), I do stop and think, "Man, why the h**l was I so crazy?  It's not like I just found out I have cancer, or something."  At that point I don't even understand what got me so worked up in the first place, then I blame it all on the hormones.

    I hate having "one of those days".  Too bad I have them at least three times a week.

  2. You're not alone. I have anxiety and depression and I'm on medication. The dose is quite low but when I'm on my period I have to double my medication because I become very down and suicidal. The double dose makes me feel much better. It's just the hormones going crazy in your body at that time. It similar for all women but if you already have a depressive syndrome, it can make it worse.

    See your doctor about it. I'm not sure how you feel about medication but it's of great help to me and perhaps your doctor would be able to help you out with that sort of thing.

    Good Luck.

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