
A question for you who have at least 2 kids!?

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When you had baby #2 did you have someone bring the older child to the hospital to meet the baby? I have a 20 month old and he will be almost 2 when baby #2 comes- I am wondering if we should have my mil bring him up to visit or wait until we come home? Also- what is the best way to introduce them? My son is very attached to daddy so I dont know if I should have daddy give him extra attention for a few weeks or what? thank you!




  1. We brought our oldest one to the hospital with us and when we came back they both had equal amounts of attention. Fourteen years later they still have equal amounts of attention.

  2. well my first were twins but when my next child after that was born, yes my sister who kept them for me, brought them to the hospital to see me and the baby. They were 2 1/2 at the time and they were excited. I think it's good for them to visit in the hospital so they can see the baby and you before you all come home together. I think as long as you and your husband give equal attention that should be fine.

    EDIT: I said the same thing basically as everyone else yet AI get two thumbs down? Interesting

  3. yes my mum brought our 18mo daughter to the hospital.

    we simply said "kristina, these are your new sisters"

    (we had twins)

    she was fine with it

  4. Yes, I always had my parents bring my older children to the hospital when their little brother or sister was born. Usually we had a relative stay at home with the kids until we called the house after the baby was born, and they'd bring the rest of the kids then so that they wouldn't have to stay at the hospital for a really long time and get antsy.

    Getting your older child a little gift is a good idea. And 20 months is a little young, but kids understand a lot more than we give them credit for so just sitting down and explaining to him that he's a big brother now and that mommy and daddy still love him the same but now he has to share them with the baby might not be a bad idea.

  5. I have 4 children. My first 3 are all very close in age. Now they are boy 15, boy 14, girl 13, girl 5. After I had any of them I always had the older ones come to the hospital to see the newest member of the family. During the whole pregnancy we talked to the older ones about when their new brother or sister was going to be here and things like "What do you think we should name the baby?"

    My first son was only a year and two months when his brother was born. He wanted to know where mommy was. He knew there was a baby in mommy's tummy and when I went to the hospital, he knew it was because it was time for the baby. We had grandma and grandpa bring the the older siblings for a visit. Usually the next day after I had some sleep and looked and felt better. This would cure some of their curiosity and help them feel like they were apart of the big event.

    Either way is fine. Usually you wont stay in the hospital more than a couple of days. All of this can be very over whelming and tiring. You may want some time to your self. That's ok too. There is plenty of time.

    congrats and take care of you.

  6. well what ended up happening when i had baby 2 was my hubby decided that it would be a great idea for him the new baby and my oldest all to cramp into a tiny room for 5 days i kept telling him to take my aiden home cuz it was unfair to him to be stuck in a tiny room and unable to play and run PLUS i couldn't rest at all with those two in the room all the time i hated it and i made it very very clear this time around that he and the two kids are staying home and can come visit in the afternoon that's it other wise i am banning them from the room until i come home. i think that having your oldest right there after you give birth and they have baby in the nursery  would be a great way to introduce him to his brother. that's pretty much what happened with my oldest but he literally got to see him right after birth and helped give him his first bath and bottle so i think that would be something special and bonding. my oldest loved holding his baby bro and feeding him.  

  7. My daughter was 8 years old when I had my second baby.   I had her stepfather bring her up to see her new baby brother.  

    Your firstborn is going to be jealous of your time as well as the father's time with the newborn. So both of you need to make sure to spend extra time with your older baby.  Your schedule at first is going to be hectic, but it will settle down and  get better.

  8. When I had our 2nd, we had close friends of our stay with our son, who has just turned 2yrs. After I had the baby and everything was fine, my husband went home. He spent the day with our son and then brought him to the hospital that night to see the baby. Our son was EXTREMELY excited to walk down the halls, see all the babies and to meet his baby brother. He sat on the bed with me and the baby and starred at him with big eyes.  It was quite an experience. Once we brought the baby home, he helped pick out clothes and handed me things so he felt involved.

    I've done this several times (our 5th and last is due in Feb) and each time, we've done it the same way. It's worked out fine every time. The best way to prepare your son is to constantly talk about the baby. At 20ms, he knows more than you think. Read a book together and remind him that the baby is listening too. When you do an activity, remind him that the baby will do it soon too. When you bring the baby home, include him AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE and make sure you give him some attention as well.

    Best Wishes =] and congrats!  

  9. I have three children. Both times, with our second and third child, the older children stayed with my parents. When I was ready to have the baby, my sister watched the children so that my parents could be at the hospital. They brought her to the hospital a few hours after her sister was born. With my third child, who was born 2 weeks ago, we waited until the next morning to bring them into the hospital since I had him at 9:00 at night. I think that it is a great idea to bring the older child(ren) to the hospital because they can get a feel for what they will be dealing with once the baby comes home. Introduce the oldest child to the baby as soon as possible.

  10. When I had my second child the hospital didn't allow anyone under 12 past the first floor of the hospital. Things have changed alot since then and I think it is a good idea to allow kids to see the new baby. I would introduce them by saying this is your new baby (brother/sister) and since you are the big brother the baby is going to need your help. Are you going to help with your new baby brother/sister? Mommy & Daddy love you very much and now you will have a baby brother/sister who will love you too, isn't that nice? Let him help all you can with the new baby and praise him about what a good job he is doing. It wouldn't hurt for Dad to spend a little extra time with  him since you will be busy with the baby but be sure to use your free time (while baby is sleeping) to spend extra time with him also.

  11. I have 4 I guess I'm qualified to answer this!! :-)

    I had #2 when #1 was 18 months old. I did not have him come to the hospital when the baby was born. He got to meet his little sister when we got home from the hospital. You shouldn't give him "extra" attention but instead just try to make him understand that babies need a little extra time from mommy and daddy because they're "new" and can not do things themselves yet!! You should start praising him for doing things on his own, or if you're already doing this...just put a little more emphasis on it now :-)

    I'm sure everything will be just fine!! Congrats!!

  12. Yes! It will be so sweet. We actually had a Big Sis Package in the room waiting for my oldest daughter. She was 4, though.

    We had balloons, a tote bag with a babysitter barbie (we said it was a big sis barbie) and a Big Sis tee and a special Big Sis blanket (because the baby got all kinds of new blankets,too. he he). We made a big production over her when she arrived. "Oh there is big sis! Come over here and sit next to mommy while I feed. Look what a big sissy you are! Smile for the camera. etc etc). We were sensitive to the fact that at her age she would likely be jealous if all the fuss was about the new baby. We made a fuss about her for weeks, too.  

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